Mini Monsters Preschool Ltd

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About Mini Monsters Preschool Ltd

Name Mini Monsters Preschool Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address Oxley Park Community Centre, Redgrave Drive, Milton Keynes, MK4 4TA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority MiltonKeynes
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children thoroughly enjoy themselves at the pre-school.

They are happy to be there. Children are excited for the door to be opened at the beginning of each session and they come in full of smiles. They greet staff and other children warmly.

Children show that they feel valued and part of the pre-school. For example, they enjoy finding their name cards and registering their arrival in their key group. They tell visitors which other children and staff are part of their special group.

Children benefit from a curriculum with a strong focus on developing their communication, personal and physical skills. They enjoy... their interactions with staff, who consistently promote these aspects of learning during children's daily play. Children enjoy the regular chats with staff about their interests.

Children enthusiastically explore the outdoor area where there is plenty of space to run and exercise. They confidently meet many of their own self-care needs, such as toileting and handwashing.Children behave well overall.

The day is organised to allow lots of opportunities for children to play together and practise taking turns and sharing. Those children who are still learning these skills trust staff to help and guide them in a sensitive and consistent way.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff understand the importance of children developing strong speaking and listening skills.

Staff make very effective use of opportunities to join in with children's play and conversations. Staff make good use of these times to help children learn new words and grow in confidence to ask questions and talk about what they are doing. For example, staff and children play together in the pretend kitchen, discussing what they want to eat and what they are going to cook.

Children are confident talkers and throughout the day, children chat away to each other and staff.Staff encourage children to play energetically to develop their good health and coordination. Children often choose to use wheeled toys or balance blocks outside.

Staff carefully and successfully help children to become skilled and confident in using such resources.Children show they are developing a real love of books and stories. They often choose to spend time in the 'book corners'.

They handle books with care and pretend to read stories to each other. Children happily come together as a group to listen to stories at the end of every session. Staff create a sense of excitement about these times.

Children enjoy listening to familiar stories and joining in with repeated phrases.Overall, staff deliver the curriculum effectively. Children learn a lot from their spontaneous interactions with staff and from taking part in targeted group activities to help with specific aspects of their development.

Staff also set out a variety of resources and activities on tables and mats. They plan these with the aim of providing learning experiences across the different areas of the early years curriculum. However, staff do not precisely consider what skills and knowledge they want children to learn from some of these.

Children find these activities less appealing and spend much less time at these than in their self-chosen play. These activities do not always add much value to children's knowledge and understanding.The provider creates a very supportive working environment.

Staff feel appreciated and enjoy working at the pre-school. The provider observes staff. However, these observations are not yet focused enough on how staff deliver the curriculum.

This means that the regular feedback staff receive on their performance is not focused strongly on helping to raise their teaching skills to an even higher level.Staff treat each other, parents and children with respect and courtesy. Parents report that they feel supported and never judged.

Children understand the rules they must follow to stay safe. They look to trusted members of staff when they need some help to manage and express their emotions.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The provider and staff understand their responsibilities to keep children safe. The provider discusses safeguarding with staff regularly and takes effective steps to ensure their safeguarding knowledge remains up to date. Staff have a thorough and accurate understanding of the signs that a child may be at risk of harm or neglect.

They know how to share these concerns to help keep children safe. The provider follows thorough recruitment procedures that help ensure the suitability of those employed to work with children.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nensure a stronger focus on the skills and knowledge to be taught to children when deciding on the resources and activities to make available sharply focus the monitoring of staff practice and supervision to enhance further the quality of teaching.

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