Mollington Pre-School

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About Mollington Pre-School

Name Mollington Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address The Old School, Grove Road, Mollington, Chester, CH1 6LG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority CheshireWestandChester
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Leaders have taken swift action to ensure all committee members are suitable to be part of the organisation which works with children. This ensures children's safety.

Leaders plan and sequence an ambitious curriculum which is currently to find out about the children's stages of development and their interests. Through their 'All About Me' topic, staff support children to explore how they, and their families, are different from each other. Later, when children are outside, they notice two butterflies and say that they are the mummy and the daddy.

They further exclaim that they have found their children when more butterf...lies flutter by. Children are learning about family relationships and what makes them unique.Leaders and staff have purposefully planned children's arrival routines to encourage independence and to mirror those of their primary school.

When children arrive at this pre-school, they receive a lovely, warm welcome from the friendly staff. They hang up their coats, find their named tray to store their belongings and go off to find their friends. Children are developing their independence skills in readiness for their next steps in their learning.

Staff set clear expectations for behaviour and routines. Consequently, children behave well. They share and wait their turn for bicycles to become available.

They show consideration for others as they take great care not to bump into them as they travel around the playground.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have a vision for the setting to be more sustainable and environmentally aware. This is shared with all the staff and fully supported by the parents.

Staff support children to recycle and repurpose materials. For example, they place their recyclable materials from their lunch boxes in the collection box. Staff repurpose play equipment to provide exciting new play opportunities to stimulate children's imagination and creativity.

Children are learning to care for their environment.Staff support children to develop mathematical skills through well-planned learning activities. For example, they work together to create a tally chart to count and compare the group's eye and hair colours.

Later, children build towers to represent 'flats' which are proudly displayed for all to see. Staff introduce a range of mathematical language, such as 'how many' and 'tallest'. Children play with a real sense of purpose.

Staff place an importance on developing children's communication and language. Children are immersed in an environment full of stories, songs, rhymes and conversations. They frequently engage with books independently and/or with adults.

They retain key information from what they have read or seen. For example, when they later learn that houses can be made from wood, children say, 'The wolf will blow it down.' Staff introduce new vocabulary, such as 'igloo', 'caravan' and 'canal boat'.

Although children hear new words, staff do not always consider what each child already knows. This means children do not always learn to use the word that they hear.Leaders and staff have purposefully planned their learning spaces to provide children with challenging and exciting opportunities to develop their physical skills.

Children skilfully climb large play apparatus, walk along tricky balance beams and play group games to develop their small- and large-muscle strength. Furthermore, at lunchtimes, staff remind children why they need to wash their hands and talk to children about healthy food choices. Children are developing an understanding of leading healthy lifestyles.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported well. Staff work with parents and other professionals to implement tailored teaching and care routines. All children make good progress and are developing their skills for future learning.

Leaders recognise the value of continuous quality improvement. All staff undertake a range of training, including specialist training to support children with SEND. Staff say they feel well supported by the management team and there is a strong team spirit.

Staff are committed to improving their own practice as a way of improving outcomes for children.Parents are extremely complimentary about their children's pre-school. They comment on how happy and secure their children are, along with how well prepared they are for going on to school.

Parents know who their child's key person is and receive good communication to support their children's learning when at home.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders and staff have a good knowledge and understanding of their roles and responsibilities to safeguard children.

Children are safe and secure at this setting. The premises are kept clean and tidy. Risk assessments are conducted to ensure that any risks to children are minimised.

All staff clearly demonstrate their understanding of potential harm and abuse that would make them concerned. They know how to report their concerns.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: further strengthen planning to build on what children already know to help them learn and understand new vocabulary.

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