Playhouse Pre-school Broadwater

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About Playhouse Pre-school Broadwater

Name Playhouse Pre-school Broadwater
Ofsted Inspections
Address Long Meadow Primary School, Oaks Cross, STEVENAGE, Hertfordshire, SG2 8LT
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and eager to learn when they arrive at the setting. They are confident to explore the wide range of activities in this stimulating environment.

Children settle quickly and happily play alongside their friends. They are developing firm attachments with staff, who are patient, kind and caring in their approach. Children of all ages enjoy being active.

They benefit from plenty of fresh air as they develop and practise their physical skills while exploring the well-resourced outdoor areas and activities. Children have lots of fun as they learn how to make bubbles. They patiently wait for their turn, show... each other how to hold the bubble maker and are delighted with each other's efforts.

Younger children learn the meaning of new words, such as 'shake' and 'swing', as they persevere with their bubble making. Children are inquisitive and learn about nature as they search the garden area for different plants, insects and bugs. They talk about the similarities and differences, comparing size and how various things move.

Children behave well. They know the routines and what is expected of them. Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour and remind them during circle time each morning about being kind and considerate to others.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Managers and staff provide and develop a broad and balanced curriculum that follows and reflects children's interests, developing skills for their move to school. Staff know the children they care for very well. They understand what children like to do and play with.

Using children's interests, staff plan activities that help to stimulate and motivate their learning as they enjoy their self-chosen play.Staff encourage children to develop a love of reading and are enthusiastic storytellers. Children take an active part in stories, recognising and counting the food to give to 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'.

They giggle and laugh as they join in. Staff take every opportunity to develop children's vocabulary. A library book system enables children to take a book home to share with their family.

This further supports children's literacy skills.Children's mathematical development is skilfully woven throughout all aspects of their play. Younger children quickly learn to count and subtract as they sing along to 'The monkeys jumping on the bed'.

Children are introduced to a range of mathematical vocabulary, including size, volume and length. They eagerly anticipate and calculate the number of jugs needed to make water flow down the outdoor drainpipe activity. Older children learn to problem-solve when building their floating rafts as they decide which length of string is better to hold their raft together.

They increase their communication and language skills as they chatter and help each other with the activity, talking about what they are doing and how.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well. Staff work consistently with families and other agencies to ensure that early help is in place.

They also ensure that when the time comes for the children to move on, all groups of children know what to expect and any additional support or resources required are communicated well to the receiving staff.Staff promote children's independence, well-being and healthy living. Children find their coat pegs and hang up their bags and coats when they arrive.

They enjoy selecting their own resources, such as art and craft materials, and make choices about what they play with. They willingly help to tidy away and wash their hands in preparation for snack time. Older children butter their biscuits, cut the fruit and pour their own drinks at snack time.

However, younger children do not have the opportunity to do this as they are handed their prepared food and drink.Overall, parents spoken to are very happy with the setting and comment on how well their children are progressing and improving in their learning. They appreciate the detailed electronic communication shared with them about their child's development and other information to keep them up to date.

However, some parents occasionally comment that they have not been provided with sufficient detail about situations that have arisen and how these have been managed.The manager supports staff effectively through regular supervision meetings and observations of their practice. Staff are able to access online training and are encouraged to reflect on their practice, which enhances their knowledge and supports children's learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider understands and knows to inform Ofsted of significant events and recently took swift and decisive action to ensure that children do not leave the premises unsupervised. The manager and her staff team demonstrate a secure understanding of the procedures to follow in order to keep children safe from harm.

They confidently describe the possible signs and symptoms that may indicate that a child is at risk of abuse or neglect. Staff regularly update and refresh their knowledge and understanding of safeguarding, including wider issues, such as extreme beliefs.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nenhance the opportunities for children to increase their independence skills strengthen communication and information-sharing with parents.

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