Polehampton ASC

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About Polehampton ASC

Name Polehampton ASC
Address Polehampton CE Junior School, Kibblewhite Crescent, Twyford, READING, RG10 9AX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wokingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children of all ages show that they feel safe and secure at the club.

On arrival from school, they receive a warm and friendly welcome from the manager and staff and have established trusted relationships. Children settle into the routine of the club and make independent choices on the direction of their play. They become engaged in their chosen activities as they chat happily to their friends and the club staff.

Children comment that they love attending the club and especially like playing outdoors. They have a good variety of food and enjoy spending time with their friends. Children are happy to ask staff for help when n...eeded and feel confident to discuss any worries or concerns with the adults caring for them.

Children demonstrate a secure understanding of the rules within the club, including the importance of being kind to others. They are polite, cooperative and show high levels of respect and tolerance for others. Regular and meaningful praise by staff helps to ensure that children feel good about themselves.

Children behave very well and promptly respond to staff instructions, for example when it is time to work with their friends to tidy away the toys.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children's physical health is promoted well. Staff provide children with plenty of opportunities for outdoor play and exercise and make good use of the large outdoor area.

Children play games, such as football and tennis and navigate wooden apparatus in the spacious outdoor play area. They express their enjoyment as staff join in their play with enthusiasm. These positive experiences help to support children's self-esteem and confidence.

The manager and staff place a good emphasis on ensuring children are kept safe. Children are escorted from school to the club and supervised well when using apparatus. Staff complete regular risk assessments to ensure that the safety of the premises is maintained.

Staff teach children to manage their own risks in several ways. For example, they teach children how to keep safe when using scooters, including the importance of wearing safety helmets. Children learn to manage risk using climbing equipment.

The club is a hive of activity both inside and outdoors. Children are eager and enthusiastic to come into the club. Resources are easily accessible, and children can choose activities that suit their interests.

However, staff do not ensure that some of the resources available for children are of good quality. For instance, although children want to use pencils for colouring pictures these are not sharpened. This means that children are restricted in the range of drawing resources available to them.

The setting promotes children's overall well-being effectively. They ensure that children have adequate fresh air and exercise and make healthy food choices. Children learn about the importance of washing their hands at appropriate times.

Staff provide children with an abundance of healthy snacks, including lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Overall, children demonstrate a good understanding of the importance of making healthy food choices. However, children are provided with less healthy drink options.

This means they are not consistently receiving clear and consistent messages that support healthy choices.Children are confident and outgoing. They are eager to share their knowledge, such as telling adults that strawberries have more water than cucumber.

Children talk with enthusiasm about how they use technology, such as talking speakers to find out these interesting facts.Partnerships with parents and schools' children attend are effective. The club staff communicate effectively with them to ensure continuity in children's care.

Parents report that their children are happy and settled within the club. They are confident that children are safe and secure.The manager and staff are committed to their roles and responsibilities.

They provide good quality inclusive care and ensure that all children have access to the provision, including those with special educational needs and disabilities.The manager undertakes robust induction with staff to ensure they fully understand their roles and responsibilities. She places a good emphasis on promoting staff's well-being during regular conversations and meetings with them.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff have a secure knowledge of the signs that children may be at risk of harm, including wider safeguarding concerns such as exploitation and female genital mutilation. Regular training and discussions help staff to maintain a good understanding of the signs that might indicate a child is at risk of harm.

Staff fully understand the processes to follow if they have concerns about children's welfare. They know what to do in the event of an allegation against a staff member. Leaders implement safer recruitment procedures to ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children.

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