Potter St Hill Asc

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About Potter St Hill Asc

Name Potter St Hill Asc
Address St. John’s School, Potter Street Hill, Northwood, Hillingdon, HA6 3QY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hillingdon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision does not meet requirements The provider does not demonstrate a clear understanding of their responsibility to comply and work in accordance with registration requirements. This has resulted in several breaches to the early years foundation stage (EYFS) requirements. These breaches relate to safeguarding reporting procedures, thoroughly checking suitability of staff and monitoring their understanding of their roles and responsibilities.

The provider has also not ensured, as part of the provision's process of registration of children, to deploy the key-person system effectively and gather the required details. This compromises children's welfare.The pr...ovider does not have effective arrangements for parents and children to build and form links with adults caring for them.

This compromises children's emotional well-being. New children to the provision, from the early years age range, arrive at an environment with which they are unfamiliar. This is in addition to children not knowing or meeting beforehand the staff who will be caring for them.

Although staff comfort and are attentive to these children, they nevertheless arrive upset and remain unsettled during the session. Staff engage with children in their chosen play and hold two-way conversations. Children who are familiar with the setting speak enthusiastically about their day.

They independently self-select their choice of play from a wide range of activities and resources. Children understand the rules and boundaries of the setting and follow instructions well.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider continues not to reflect on her provision to ensure that she is working in accordance with the safeguarding and welfare requirements.

Induction and supervision systems are weak. The provider does not monitor or follow up to ensure that staff understand the provision's policies and procedures. For example, staff complete online safeguarding training.

However, the provider does not check to establish if there are any gaps in their knowledge or practice. This does not promote children's welfare and well-being.Overall, parents report that they are happy with the provision.

They say their children are happy to attend and that some of the older children have gotten to know staff. Parents whose children are new to the setting report that neither they nor their children have had the opportunity to meet with staff prior to their children's first session.The provider does not, as part of registering children into the provision, obtain all details required, such as addresses of parents.

This is a requirement of the EYFS.Staff practise good hygiene by ensuring that tables used for eating and activities are disinfected before use. They encourage children to practise good hand hygiene as part of their routines.

Staff supervise and support children using the toilet and ensure that they wash their hands before they sit down to eat. This contributes to the prevention of cross-contamination.Staff supervise children appropriately when they sit down for snack time.

Children tuck happily into freshly prepared, healthy and nutritious snacks, consisting of fruit, vegetables and sandwiches. This contributes to children's healthy choices. Older children enjoy social interactions with their friends as they sit and chat about common interests.

The provider plans an interesting, well-organised and resourced, and child friendly environment, where children come to wind down from their school day and access an array of interesting activities and games of their choice. Older children enjoy board games. They show that they understand the rules and play cooperatively with each other and staff.

Staff encourage the newer children and involve established and older children to help navigate and support younger children through the session. Children play cooperatively together and are very well behaved. Staff adopt a nurturing approach and make provision for children to nap if needed.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.The provider and staff have a secure awareness of child protection matters. However, they are not secure in their understanding of the appropriate reporting procedures to follow should an allegation be made against a staff member.

Vetting and recruitment procedures are not robust enough to ensure staff's suitability to work with children. Although the provider conducts identity checks and ensures that all staff have Disclosure and Barring Service checks in place, she does not check all staff's employment gaps or history. This compromises children's welfare.

Nevertheless, the provider ensures that the environment children access is safe and suitable for children to play in.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

The provision is not meeting requirements and Ofsted intends to take enforcement action.

We will issue a Welfare Requirements Notice requiring the provider to: Due date ensure that all staff, including the designated safeguarding lead, gain knowledge about the appropriate safeguarding reporting procedures to follow 29/09/2023 ensure that vetting procedures are fully completed and include staff employment history and any gaps to make sure they are suitable 29/09/2023 implement effective induction and supervision to support staff to fully understand the policies and procedures of the provision and identify training to support gaps in their knowledge and practice 29/09/2023 improve the key-person system to help children and parents become familiar with the setting and also adults who will be looking after the children 29/09/2023 ensure that the records maintained for each child include the address of each parent.


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