Premier Wrap Around Care

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About Premier Wrap Around Care

Name Premier Wrap Around Care
Address University Of Cambridge Primary School, Eddington Avenue, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB3 0QZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Cambridgeshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children happily come to the club and enjoy a relaxed snack with a variety of healthy foods to choose from.

They sit with their friends and club staff members, chatting about their day and the wide choice of activities they can choose from. Younger children return to their club room. They can choose from a variety of craft, construction and table top toys, as well as free choice of outdoor pursuits.

For example, children learn to tend the garden. They are shown the difference between weeds and plants as they prepare the ground for new planting. They discuss what plants and seeds need in order to grow successfully and can i...dentify parts of a plant, such as roots, shoots and stems.

Children support each other as they independently source water from the hose and fill each other's watering cans. Children learn to take appropriate risks. For instance, they keep to the designated areas when playing with balls and know to remain in sight of staff members.

They independently access helmets to roller skate and offer support to each other as they develop their skills. Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour. They support children to resolve conflicts fairly.

For example, staff encourage children to create rules for the turn taking of equipment.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff plan a wide range of activities and experiences based on children's interests and abilities. Children are free to choose which activities they take part in.

These often complement the learning children receive at school. For instance, children use the interactive board to search topics from 'National Geographic', following discussions about their current learning at school. They access a variety of instruments, including the harmonica and piano.

Children demonstrate excellent behaviour. They are polite and use good manners. Children are kind and considerate to each other and show respect for the club.

For example, children tidy tables following snack, removing their plates and cups, and put craft items away when they finish using them.Children confidently chat to staff and visitors. They say they enjoy their time at the club and talk about their favourite activities.

They describe staff as 'fun and kind'. Children enjoy playing with staff as they engage in board games, gardening and sports, such as football and roller skating. They have plenty of creative play opportunity as they explore paints, construction and role-play areas.

Staff ensure children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are included. They provide support and adapt activities to enable all children to access them. Children develop respect for others in this inclusive setting.

Children learn about different languages. For example, children proudly say phrases in French, while others demonstrate how to write and say numbers in Chinese. Staff display these in the club room.

This helps children feel valued.Staff support children's understanding of being healthy. The club provides a healthy range of home-cooked, nutritious snacks that meets children's dietary requirements.

Children cook regularly, using a variety of fruits and vegetables, which they get to take home and share with their family. They learn independence while preparing food. For example, children make pizzas by shaping dough, chopping pepper and tomatoes and grating cheese.

The manager is passionate about the care and experiences the children receive at the club. He ensures staff have access to training and is supportive of their continuous professional development. He holds regular team meetings to share best practice ideas and updates to policies and procedures.

New staff are supported to develop their understanding of the club's aims and ethos as they are mentored by senior staff members.The manager of the club maintains an effective partnership with both the teaching staff in school and children's families. Feedback is very positive.

For example, parents say the communication is excellent. They receive details of activities daily and staff take time to talk to them when they collect their children. They say their children thoroughly enjoy their time at the club and they would highly recommend it to other families.

Additionally, the headteacher is happy with the seamless transition from school to club and the consistency in their approaches.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are confident in their roles and responsibilities for keeping children safe from harm.

The manager provides regular opportunities for them to update their knowledge and skills, including broader safeguarding issues, such as radicalisation. The manager works closely with the headteacher in school to promote effective sharing of information. Staff know which children they expect in the club and collect children from their classrooms.

Staff are careful to record children's attendance in the different play areas they access. The club is set within a secure area of the school. Parents are provided with a password to ensure children only leave the club with the designated person.

Also at this postcode
University of Cambridge Primary School

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