Quality Sport Chorley

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About Quality Sport Chorley

Name Quality Sport Chorley
Address St. Georges Primary School, Carr Lane, Chorley, PR7 3JU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision does not meet requirements Leaders do not give consideration to the individual needs of early years children in attendance. They have not established an effective key-person system. As a result, younger children's well-being is not adequately supported, as secure attachments are not in place.

For example, staff do not know all the children's names; this does not promote their sense of belonging. In addition, staff are not clear on which children in their care have additional needs. This is because arrangements to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are not effective.

Leaders do not share vital informati...on with staff. As a result, staff do not have an adequate understanding of the children in their care. Nor are they equipped with the strategies to support them effectively.

That said, staff provide a happy and welcoming club that children enjoy attending. They offer a wide range of sporting activities for children to access within a structured routine. Staff have high expectations and as a result children's behaviour is excellent.

Children listen carefully to instructions given by staff as they move within their groups to the different activities. Children enjoy a game of bingo. Everyone is excited for their numbers to be called, and they discuss with their friends how many more they need.

Children build good friendships and learn how to cooperate and take turns.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have a poor understanding of their role and responsibilities in meeting the requirements for the early years register. They have not considered how the sports club must support the needs of the early years children who attend the setting.

Leaders do not assign a key person to children. This does not ensure that their care is tailored to meet their individual needs. As a result, children disengage from activities when staff cannot identify that their needs are not being met effectively.

Arrangements are not in place to fully support children with SEND. The club does not have a named special educational needs and/or disabilities co-ordinator to ensure that the appropriate support is in place. As a result, staff are unclear of children's specific needs and cannot offer the appropriate level of support.

For example, children are abruptly asked to stop activities which they are enjoying, to move on to the next planned activity. Staff do not understand how to appropriately prepare children for change. Children become unsettled when their enjoyment is suddenly ended and they are moved away before they are ready.

Leaders work in close partnership with parents and the local authority to provide places for children who access additional funding during the school holidays. Parents express how their children's confidence has improved since they started at the club. They express that this has been particularly important for children who had struggled with their confidence and well-being following the lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Children enjoy attending the club.Staff provide children with plenty of opportunity to spend time outside in the fresh air. The coaches have areas of specialism and offer children a range of sports sessions, including football and touch ball.

Children practise new skills, such as balance and coordination as they kick the ball to their friends and try to get it in the goal. Children's physical development is promoted well.Staff take time to explain the activities that children will be doing and the rules of games.

They listen carefully to the instructions and wait patiently to take their turns. Children enjoy bouncing the ball as they run to the line in a team race. Staff offer lots of praise and encouragement.

Children develop resilience as they keep trying, but do not win the race. They celebrate each other's achievement and learn that it is okay not to win. Children are learning important life skills for the future.

Staff encourage children to keep themselves safe and consider risk. As children play with gel beads and shaving foam, they speak about the risk of choking. They understand that if they were to eat any, they would have a poorly tummy.

Children understand risks within the environment and take care of each other.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Risk assessments of the environment and activities are completed regularly to ensure that children are kept safe.

Staff undergo a detailed induction package when they start with the club. Their ongoing suitability is also checked frequently. Leaders ensure that staff access regular training to update their knowledge of safeguarding and child protection.

Staff understand how to identify that a child may be at risk of harm. They know how to report any concerns they identify, including adults they may work with.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date establish an effective key-person system that meets the needs of all early years children 23/10/2023 ensure that staff understand how to effectively support children with SEND.


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