Safe Hands

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About Safe Hands

Name Safe Hands
Address St. Cuthberts C of E School, St. Albans Road, Darwen, Lancashire, BB3 0HY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority BlackburnwithDarwen
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are confident and are developing a strong sense of character. They are highly motivated and demonstrate a drive to excel in self-set challenges.

Children aspire to the very high expectations that adults have of them. As a result, children consistently display exemplary behaviour, which is conducive to their overall development. Children have an abundance of opportunity to develop skills that are essential to learning.

This effectively complements children's learning in school and their self-esteem is boosted. Children possess an astute understanding of the consequences of their actions and this allows them to take risks and embark on adventurous play. Children are highly resilient and demonstrate increasing levels of autonomy in their play.

Children are empowered by adults who provide them with opportunities to make key decisions about the experiences offered to them. As a result, children are accountable, they set rules that they consistently follow. This has created a culture of mutual respect for one another and children understand and embrace what makes them unique.

This has provided the foundations for children to form friendships that are nurturing. Children feel a strong sense of belonging, which enables them to navigate their own emotions. They are assured by adults who know when to offer support and when to allow children to achieve things independently.

Children are exceptionally well prepared to start their school day.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager works with integrity. She is conscientious and inspiring in her drive to constantly develop all aspects of the provision.

She works in close consultation with children, whose best interests are at the heart of key decisions on how the group is led. This results in a highly accessible and inclusive provision in which all children thrive.Adults skilfully employ strategies that successfully secure children's emotional well-being.

As a result, children are provided with a secure foundation from which to fully engage with the wealth of opportunities provided. This is particularly so in relation to supporting children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.The manager endeavours to seek, and act upon, the views of parents.

Parents comment on how they feel reassured leaving their child in the care of adults who are highly responsive to the key information they provide. The manager is improving how sensitive information, relating to children, is collected prior to them commencing their place at the setting.The manager works closely with the school that children attend.

Where necessary, she makes arrangements to hold meetings with key staff in the school. This information is used to inform the arrangements for supporting key children. However, the procedures for working with staff in school regarding multi-agency plans for individual children could be strengthened further.

Adults are innovative in their approach to supporting children to negotiate and manage their actions. As a result, children are becoming skilful thinkers and are able to take appropriate risks in their play. This promotes sustained levels of engagement as children challenge themselves and are pioneering in their own learning.

Adults promote a love of books through role play. For example, children select and buy their favourite magazines from the book shop. In addition, children have the opportunity to explore fictional characters.

They act out plots from their favourite films. This is sometimes expressed through music and dance. As a result, children's literacy development is well supported.

Children are an integral part of the decision-making processes. Adults meet with children to ask about the types of activities and experiences they would like to take part in. Children work collaboratively as a team to achieve shared goals, they are provided with a budget which they save to purchase resources.

As a result, children are learning the essential skills and knowledge necessary to secure their future success. This helps to prepare children for life in modern Britain.The manager diligently deploys adults according to their key strengths.

She has robust arrangements in place for ensuring that staff have the support they need to develop identified aspects of their practice. This includes completing a range of training. This means that adults are able to respond to children's needs as they emerge.

As a result, every child achieves their very best.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are vigilant and proactive in responding to any concerns regarding children, should they arise.

They understand the procedure to follow if they are worried a child may be being abused. There are procedures in place for staff to report any concerns they may have regarding adults that work with children and the manager knows what steps to take in the event of any allegations being made. All staff have attended safeguarding training to ensure that their safeguarding knowledge remains current.

Also at this postcode
St Cuthbert’s Church of England Primary School

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