Safe Hands Out of School Club

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About Safe Hands Out of School Club

Name Safe Hands Out of School Club
Address Earl Street, Clayton le Moors, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5NH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff are kind and caring.

They warmly welcome children, addressing them by their names and asking them about their day at school. Children know the routine to follow and are settled, confident and happy. This gives them a sense of reassurance and security.

Children sit together for a snack and share their news for the week. Children share pictures they have drawn and exciting events they are looking forward too. Children listen to each other intently and praise their friends' achievements.

Staff support children's well-being. They listen to children and value their opinions and ideas.Staff create a well-organised... environment that children independently access.

They incorporate the children's different interests and needs. There is a quiet area for reading and a large creative area. Some of the children have shown an interest in making and creating.

The host school is holding a bonfire night and children are excited. They work together to make paint and glitter artwork of fireworks. They confidently discuss with friends what they are making and the story of Guy Fawkes.

Children are keen to share their creations with staff and the other children. They praise each other and support younger children to keep on trying.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff sensitively help new children to settle into the group.

They show new children around the setting, explain the activities available and introduce them to staff and other children. Children quickly develop a sense of belonging and enjoy their time in the club. Children comment that they enjoy coming to the club and playing with their friends.

Children have plenty of opportunities to see, hear and practise writing new words. Children learn to take turns as they play board games with staff. They enjoy role playing a café and play imaginatively with miniature toy cats and horses.

The young children explore the resources confidently and lead their own learning as staff offer good support.Children demonstrate good levels of independence. They choose their own activities, meet their personal care needs and collect their own belongings at the end of the session.

Children thoroughly enjoy the healthy meals that staff provide. Staff ensure children's dietary needs are met and provide alternative meals.Relationships with parents are good.

Parents speak highly of the staff and club. Staff communicate with parents at the end of each day about what their children have enjoyed doing. Staff keep parents fully informed and involved.

Children are supported well. This is because of strong partnerships with the school and daily information sharing with parents. This ensures children's needs are always being met.

Staff work well together as a team and are supported well by management and leaders. The manager is committed to staff professional development. The manager liaises with the local authority for advice and online training to stay up to date with changes within the sector.

Staff promote good behaviour. They manage children's behaviour well and give clear and concise instructions. Children are polite and respectful to each other and the staff team.

They enjoy spending time together. For example, they laugh, share and take turns while joining in building a large puzzle.Management and staff are reflective.

They review all aspects of practice regularly and create action plans that help to develop and enhance the provision. This contributes to the already very good standards within the club and the capacity for continuous improvement.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The manager and staff have a good knowledge and understanding of safeguarding and child protection policies. Staff have a suitable awareness of the signs and symptoms of potential abuse and neglect, including the risk arising from exposure to extreme behaviours or views. The manager has robust recruitment procedures in place.

They monitor ongoing staff suitability through regular supervisions and appraisals. Staff complete thorough risk assessments to help keep everyone at the club safe. Staff supervise children and keep clear records of any accidental injuries that may have occurred, so that they can share this information promptly with parents.

Also at this postcode
Clayton-le-Moors Mount Pleasant Primary School

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