School Friend Clubs @ Julians Streatham

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About School Friend Clubs @ Julians Streatham

Name School Friend Clubs @ Julians Streatham
Address Julians Primary School Streatham, 226 Leigham Court Road, London, SW16 2RB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lambeth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are safely escorted to the club by their schoolteachers, who share information about the children's day. This enables staff to adapt the session to support continuity for the children. For example, staff spend time with children who need extra comfort.

All children arrive happy and excited for their time at the club. They become engaged in a range of activities. The club continues the same rules as the school, helping children to consistently know what is expected of them.

As a result, children behave well. When disputes arise, staff are quick to offer support. For example, when a minor dispute about toy cars begi...ns, a member of staff joins the play.

She talks to the children about what they are playing, offering clear distraction from the dispute, which is quickly resolved. Children have good relationships with the staff team. All staff actively engage with children, who welcome them into their play.

Staff talk to children about what they are doing and praise them as they manage to achieve what they set out to do. Children proudly show off their creations, displaying them at the club. This builds children's self-esteem.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children are familiar with the routine of the club. When they arrive, they know to find an activity and wait for all their friends. Once everyone has arrived, children understand the importance of sitting down for the register to ensure their safety.

At circle time, children share 'good news stories' with each other from their day. All children show respect as they listen to each other with interest.The club provides children with an interesting space to explore inside, as well as access to the playground.

Each session, children can choose whether they would like to play inside or out. In the garden, staff search for worms with children. Children delight in showing visitors the different herbs they have found.

Climbing equipment allows children to take risks, knowing staff are close by to offer support as needed. Children smile and laugh together when outside, clearly demonstrating their enjoyment.Staff encourage children to be independent in the club.

Children manage their personal hygiene, such as washing their own hands and taking themselves to the toilet. At snack time, they butter their own bread for their sandwiches and choose their own fillings. After they have finished their snack, children take pride in washing their plates and cups and ensuring their space is clean.

Children remain engaged in activities for long periods of time. They enjoy spending time with their friends, and children of all ages play together. Children help each other to learn the rules of board games, with staff close by to help.

Older children talk of the fun they have at the club. They state that they enjoy helping to choose the activities and spending time with their friends.The club provides a language-rich environment for all children.

Staff spend time talking to children, helping them to develop the art of conversation. The club provides children with a selection of books to read and explore. Children enjoy taking quiet time on their own or sharing books with their friends.

This helps children to develop a love of books.Parents are very happy with the club. They praise the consistent staff team and describe staff as welcoming and friendly.

Parents value the communication they receive. They are confident that their children enjoy attending.The manager works closely with her staff team and supports staff's well-being.

All staff complete regular training to build on their skills and knowledge. Staff feel part of the team and enjoy working at the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a good knowledge of the signs and symptoms of abuse and how to report any concerns they may have. A clear safeguarding policy provides staff with knowledge of the process they need to follow. Robust processes are in place to ensure that children arrive at the setting safely.

Staff monitor if children have not arrived and quickly go and talk to their teachers. Staff are aware of local issues, including gang violence, and are knowledgeable of the signs to look out for in children. The club completes regular checks to ensure the ongoing suitability of all staff.

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