Schools Out

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About Schools Out

Name Schools Out
Address Colden Common Community Centre, St Vigor Way, Winchester, SO21 1UU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children have plenty of opportunities to relax and catch up with friends.

Staff are friendly and welcoming. This helps children to settle quickly. Children are kind and thoughtful.

For instance, they put their arms around their friends affectionately. They tell visitors they have been best friends since nursery. Children speak very highly of their time at the club.

For example, they say they like to play computer games and build with construction bricks. Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour. They constantly remind children of the rules and boundaries.

This helps children to understand what... is expected of them.Staff pay close attention to children's thoughts and ideas. They plan activities that children have shown an interest in.

For example, the manager has recently purchased craft and keyring making resources. Children enthusiastically talk about their 'landscape' and 'portrait' drawings. Staff praise children for their achievements, saying that they are very talented.

Younger children receive plenty of support from staff when they find tasks tricky. There are plenty of activities on offer for all ages of children. Children show positive attitudes towards their play.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager is passionate about providing a high-quality provision. She provides staff with regular meetings and supervisions. Staff have the opportunity to discuss their practice and identify any training that would be beneficial.

They comment that they feel well supported. In addition, staff speak positively about the good teamwork at the club.Children are safely collected from local schools.

Staff ensure children wear high-visibility jackets and complete regular head counts. Staff have formed good relationships with teachers at the schools children attend. For example, they use communication books to ensure the frequent sharing of information.

Staff ensure that parents receive messages from teachers at collection times. Parents report that their children enjoy coming to the club. They welcome the information they receive about their children's session.

This helps to strengthen partnerships and ensures communication is effective.Staff positively interact with all children. They know children well and develop close relationships.

For example, children of all ages happily chat with staff and talk about their day. Staff sit alongside children and model how to make keyrings. They ask open-ended questions to encourage children's thinking skills.

This helps children to remain engaged and focused. The manager recognises the benefits of an assigned key person for early years children. She understands that this supports children's confidence and self-esteem.

Children behave well and respond to staff's instructions. For example, they know it is time to tidy up when staff ring the bell. Children work together to clear away the tables ready for mealtimes.

Children show respect and share resources with their friends. They play cooperatively and take turns on the computer.Staff encourage children to be independent and promote children's good health.

For example, children know to wash their hands before mealtimes. They independently collect their dinner trays from the kitchen hatch. The manager recognises the importance of meals being healthy and nutritious.

However, some meals offered are not always as well balanced as they could be.Staff are vigilant and complete regular risk assessments across the provision. Effective systems are in place for managing children's dietary requirements.

For example, staff are aware of children's allergies. They effectively supervise them during mealtimes. This helps to keep children safe.

Children have access to the outdoor play space, where they can climb and run about. Staff make use of the large hall onsite when available. They plan activities for children to develop their physical skills.

For example, children enjoy team activities, such as football and chase games.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff demonstrate a secure understanding of how to keep children safe.

They know how to respond to any concerns they may have about a child's welfare. This includes how to share concerns about staff. The manager ensures all staff complete safeguarding training.

Staff communicate effectively with one another to ensure children are safely supervised at all times. Managers have effective arrangements in place for recruiting and vetting staff. This ensures that staff are suitable to work with children.

Also at this postcode
Kingfishers Colden Common PreSchool

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