Schools Out Club (Derby) Ltd

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About Schools Out Club (Derby) Ltd

Name Schools Out Club (Derby) Ltd
Address St Johns Methodist Church, Birchover Way, Derby, DE22 2QL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Derby
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the end of the school day happy to see their friends from other schools and the staff team.

They are familiar with the routines in place. Children quickly take responsibility for their belongings and place their coats and school bag in the designated area before washing their hands for tea. They show that they are confident, settled and independent.

Children chat with friends and staff while waiting patiently in line to collect their tea. They are delighted when they see the scones they made the day before. They confidently tell visitors that they made these yesterday.

Children choose their own and concentrate on completing tasks. For instance, children spend time making Christmas cards for people they care about. They enjoy using a range of resources, such as pipe cleaners, glitter, pencils and glue sticks.

Younger children feel confident to talk and offer their ideas within the group, and older children respect these. This boosts younger children's self-esteem, as they know their opinions are important to not only adults but older peers within the group. Children speak confidently about their creations.

They smile as they chat with staff and carefully describe what they have created.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider has high expectations of the service staff provide for children and their families. She works closely with the management team to ensure staff promote the club's ethos and policies.

Management and staff are committed to reviewing the provision and their individual practice to help enhance the opportunities children receive. They gather feedback from parents and children to help them reflect on what they do. Children know they can talk to staff about what they would like and have a suggestion book to document their ideas and add places they would like to visit during holiday club time.

Staff support children to be confident communicators. They interact well with children, make good eye contact and get down to their level. Staff engage children in conversations, narrate children's play and ask them open-ended questions to encourage their thinking skills.

Teatime is a relaxed and sociable occasion. Staff sit alongside children and weave in opportunities to discuss why their food is healthy. This helps to contribute to children's understanding of nutrition and healthy eating.

The environment is well resourced and stimulating for all ages of children. Staff spend time carefully thinking about the activities on offer and encourage children to contribute to the planning of these. Staff consider what children are doing at school to provide continuity.

Children are polite and courteous towards others. They say please and thank you as they interact with staff and their friends. Staff are good role models.

They speak gently to children and treat them with respect. This helps children to learn how to behave well.Parents spoken to during the inspection state they are very happy with the service that staff offer.

Parents comment that the activities and experiences their children receive at the after-school and holiday club are 'amazing.' They comment that 'their children love going out on the 'fun bus' for days out and that it gives them peace of mind that their children are so happy during the holidays when they have to work. Parents state that another positive is that children love to meet up with their friends, 'who are non-class friends', and say their children complain when they collect them early, wanting to stay longer.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Safety in the club is given high priority. The building is shared, and staff are vigilant about this.

They ensure any visitors to the building are not allowed in without permission and must be supervised at all times. The manager and staff understand their responsibilities to safeguard children. Staff demonstrate a clear understanding of the procedures to follow if they have concerns about a child's welfare or a colleague's conduct.

Management follow safer recruitment procedures to ensure the suitability of new staff. Checks are undertaken to ensure that existing staff remain suitable to work with children. This helps to promote children's safety.

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