Scl At St Paul’s Primary

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About Scl At St Paul’s Primary

Name Scl At St Paul’s Primary
Address St. Pauls School, 1 Orchard Road, Chessington, Surrey, KT9 1AJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority KingstonuponThames
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their time after school at this warm and friendly club.

The staff interact well with the children and offer exciting and interesting activities, both inside and in the spacious outdoor environment. Children are eager to take part in the activities on offer and are motivated and challenged. They enjoy art and craft activities and have plenty of opportunities to be creative.

Children enthusiastically take part in parachute games, working together as a group. The staff know the children well and build good relationships with them. Staff clearly enjoy chatting to the children and interact well with th...em.

Children share news from home and talk about their home lives. Staff are nurturing and are sensitive to the children's emotional well-being and needs.Staff have high expectations and are positive role models.

They supervise children well to ensure they are safe. Children feel safe and secure in this welcoming atmosphere. They behave well and are kind to each other, polite and respectful.

Staff encourage good manners and praise positive behaviour. Children take pleasure and enjoyment in carrying out small tasks. For example, they clean the tables prior to eating.

Children enjoy a range of healthy snacks, including fresh fruit and vegetables to support a healthy diet.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff show an interest in the children's day at school and in their home lives and know the children exceptionally well. They have an excellent relationship with the school and share relevant information in order to support the children's needs.

Children are enthusiastic about the arts and crafts available. They demonstrate this as they excitedly paint stones and create their own design. Children have fun creating animals from paper and proudly show the staff what they have made.

Managers continuously strive for improvement. They consistently share information and discuss with children about the resources they would like to have out. Managers provide exciting activities based on children's interests and development.

Children have plenty of opportunities to develop their physical skills and enjoy taking part in active games both inside and outside. They follow simple instructions, listen well and take turns during group activities.Leaders and managers support the staff well.

They receive a detailed induction which enables them to carry out their roles and responsibilities well. Staff plan activities well to suit the age, interests and needs of the children who attend.Partnerships with parents are good.

Parents feel confident leaving their children in the staff's care and comment on how the children look forward to attending. Staff hold informal conversations with parents at the end of the day.New children settle well and form close attachments to staff.

They feel secure in their presence and quickly learn what is expected of them. Children confidently talk to staff throughout the session and are relaxed and happy. Children behave very well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have secure knowledge of how to recognise the signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk from harm and know the procedures to follow should they have any concerns about a child in their care. They fully understand the wider issues of safeguarding, such as 'Prevent' duty.

Managers provide staff with ongoing safeguarding training to keep their knowledge up to date. The company also has its own safeguarding hotline that staff can call if they have any concerns. The premises are secure, children are kept safe, and staff carry out daily risks assessments of the areas used by children.

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