Sessional Care Service-Honor Oak Preschool

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About Sessional Care Service-Honor Oak Preschool

Name Sessional Care Service-Honor Oak Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address 39 Honor Oak Road, Forest Hill, Lewisham, SE23 3SH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lewisham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is outstandingnStaff make very precise plans for children and carry out regular and thorough assessments of children's progress. They expertly link evaluations of these assessments to provide highly stimulating, very creative and challenging activities. Children make exceptional progress.

nStaff make well-timed interventions in children's play to support their learning very successfully. Staff enhance children's learning by ensuring they have interesting resources to develop, for example their complex building block designs, and use questions very effectively so that they can work out how best to use and join blocks. nStaff manage children's behaviour very successfu...lly.

They share their high expectations with children, who have excellent understanding of positive ways to behave. Such is the depth of their understanding that older children remind younger ones of how to behave well. They focus exceptionally well on tasks without becoming distracted.

nStaff work exceptionally well with parents. Parents share their skills with children to deepen their understanding of the world, for example by playing the cello or by showing the children different types of African dances. Staff keep parents very well informed of children's progress in highly successful ways.

nThe manager has introduced innovative ways for staff to work to the best of their ability. Staff insightfully assess their own performance and set targets to enhance their skills even further. Training is well targeted.

For instance, staff have attended a course on the role of the key person, which has led to highly effective practice in this area.nThe manager monitors all aspects of the nursery rigorously. For example, she works in the group room alongside staff, where she carefully observes staff directly each day, giving feedback that challenges staff to improve their skills and practice very successfully.

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