Shine @ Cathedral Primary

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About Shine @ Cathedral Primary

Name Shine @ Cathedral Primary
Address Bristol Cathedral Primary School, College Square, Bristol, BS1 5TS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bristol
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff provide children with a vibrant and welcoming club to enjoy after school.

Children happily arrive at the club and show enthusiasm as they choose from a range of activities on offer. The extremely well-organised environment provides children with spaces to be active and play, as well as areas to relax with friends. Staff take time to talk to children about their day at school.

Staff boost children's self-esteem and confidence as they are actively engaged in children's play and learning. They enthusiastically join in with children's games and offer them praise and encouragement to have a go. Children are delightfully c...ontent as they make independent choices in their play.

For example, they work together to build a range of creations using different construction resources. Staff work closely with children and families when they first start at the club, to ensure all children feel safe and secure. As a result, children settle quickly into the club.

Younger children benefit from having an allocated key person to support their development. Parents describe the staff as 'very friendly and fun'. Staff are positive role models for all children.

They treat children with high levels of respect and genuinely care about children's enjoyment while at the club. Children's behaviour is good. Staff help them to work together, take turns and behave appropriately.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff actively promote children's physical development and mental well-being. For example, they use their extensive range of sports coaching qualifications to provide children with a wide range of sporting and outdoor activities within the school grounds.Managers ensure children's individual healthcare needs are carefully considered.

For example, they are proactive in making sure that staff receive the appropriate training to meet children's individual healthcare needs before they start at the club.Staff work in close partnership with the school to ensure they are continuously meeting children's individual learning needs. They gather detailed information about children before they start, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Children really enjoy being outside. They benefit from accessing the school's outdoor space and relish in the opportunity to run freely and safely outdoors. Children take it in turns to climb and balance on the playground equipment.

They giggle together as they work as a team to safely push themselves on the rope swing.Children benefit from a range of healthy snacks on offer. Staff carefully consider children's special dietary needs, preferences and allergies.

Children show independence as they wash their hands before eating. Staff value this time with children as they engage in conversations and listen carefully to what children have to say.Managers place a strong emphasis on staff well-being and the key role it plays to ensure staff feel valued.

For example, a range of staff have completed mental health first-aid training which supports staff with confidential help and support should they feel they need it. Staff comment on the strong sense of belonging they feel at the club and benefit from the continuous professional development that is on offer.The manager uses effective safer recruitment processes to ensure all staff are suitable to work with children.

Staff receive a detailed induction process when they first join the club, to ensure they have a good knowledge and understanding of the policies and procedures. The manager holds regular staff meetings to develop and discuss key areas of focus with her team. Staff also have opportunities to meet with leaders on a weekly basis, which allows them to talk about their roles on a more informal basis.

Due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, parents are unable to enter the out-of-school club provision. Staff use verbal and written communications with parents to ensure information about their child's day is shared effectively.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The manager and staff have a secure understanding regarding their roles and responsibilities to ensure children are safe. They are aware of the possible signs and symptoms that could suggest a child is at risk of harm. Staff attend regular safeguarding training.

They demonstrate a good level of knowledge regarding the procedures to follow if they are concerned about a child in their care. Staff deploy themselves effectively to supervise children during their play and to provide them with the support they need. The premises are secure so that children cannot leave unsupervised, and unwanted visitors cannot gain access.

Also at this postcode
Bristol Cathedral Choir School Cathedral Primary School

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