Shine @ Southville Infants

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About Shine @ Southville Infants

Name Shine @ Southville Infants
Address Southville Primary School, Merrywood Road, Bristol, BS3 1EB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bristol
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy attending this safe and inclusive setting. They receive a warm welcome by the staff team and settle in with ease.The setting operates from the spacious school hall and offers wraparound care for children from pre-school to Year 2.

The setting has recently located to the school hall to allow more space for children to play and explore safely. Pre-school children are the first to arrive at the after-school session. They enjoy spending some dedicated time to relax and look at books in the library with staff, prior to older children joining them.

Staff are attentive in meeting children's individual care needs.Ch...ildren have a choice of creative and sporting activities to choose from while being cared for by supportive staff, including qualified sport coaches. Children like being physically active and engage in fun-based outdoor activities, such as athletics and dodgeball.

There are also options for children who prefer to play indoors to access puzzles, board games and engage in craft activities. During the inspection, children showed good focus and concentration as they sat with their friends to create colourful bracelets and necklaces from little elastic bands, which they carefully weaved together. Staff respect children's ideas and encourage them to discuss their play preferences.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The setting operates an established key-person system for pre-school and reception-aged children. The key person gets to know the children well from the outset and works closely with the linked school and parents to exchange key information. This helps children to have a smooth transition when they start at the setting and supports their emotional well-being.

Staff know how to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They work closely with teachers and parents to find out about the child's specific needs. Staff also liaise with other external professionals to seek advice.

They know how to apply for additional funding for support, if needed.Staff encourage children to be independent in choosing their play and to develop self-help skills. Consequently, children learn to manage everyday tasks for themselves, such as placing their belongings away and helping staff to tidy up before washing their hands, ready for snack time.

Staff provide a range of healthy food choices during snack time, including breadsticks, crackers, oranges and bananas. Children have access to water throughout the session and staff remind them to remain hydrated, particularly after sports activities. Staff cater for children's dietary needs and provide alternative food options, if needed.

Children are polite, courteous and considerate to their peers and adults. They listen to adults and follow instructions well. Older children are caring towards younger ones and like to involve them in their play.

Staff are good role models in promoting positive behaviour and children are aware of behaviour expectations.The manager and staff work well together as a team to ensure children are safe and happy. Staff work in different areas throughout the session and the manager monitors staff to ensure they deploy themselves well to supervise children at all times.

Staff regularly communicate to share important message about children, including arrangements for collection time.Parents are complimentary about the wraparound care their children receive. They comment that their children enjoy attending the setting and like taking part in the range of fun activities on offer.

Parents receive regular updates from staff and comment that there is a good two-way flow of communication.Leaders and management ensure the smooth and effective running of the setting. They ensure staff receive ongoing support to undertake their role effectively.

Staff benefit from regular supervision meetings, where they get to discuss key children and opportunities for ongoing professional development. Staff comment that they are happy with the support they receive from the manager and enjoy their role.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a good understanding of their role to safeguard children and keep them safe. Staff undergo a thorough recruitment process and induction programme to ensure they are suitable. Leaders provide ongoing safeguarding training.

They assess staff to ensure they have a firm understanding of the setting's safeguarding policy. Staff demonstrate a secure knowledge of the categories of abuse and other wider safeguarding issues, such as the 'Prevent' duty. Staff are familiar with the local procedures for reporting any concerns about a child in their care as well as any allegations made against other staff.

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Southville Primary School

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