Shine Nursery

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About Shine Nursery

Name Shine Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Cradley Forge Methodist Church, Hammer Bank, Brierley Hill, Worcestershire, DY5 2AL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Dudley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and eager to learn when they arrive at the setting.

They are confident to explore the inviting and stimulating environment. They demonstrate that they feel safe as they settle quickly and happily play alongside their friends. Children benefit from a curriculum that is well planned.

They are keen to join in with a broad range of activities that foster their enjoyment of learning. Babies demonstrate high levels of curiosity as they excitedly explore a variety of sensory materials. Toddlers delight as they work together to successfully build a sandcastle.

They benefit from lots of support and e...ncouragement from staff. Pre-school children demonstrate strong mathematical skills. They have great fun as they discuss quantities of ingredients and whether they think the mixture will be 'heavy' or 'light' as they make their own sea animals out of dough.

Children behave very well and are extremely respectful towards one another. They patiently wait their turn and share resources during activities. They listen carefully, follow simple instructions and respond to staff's questions during their play.

Children quickly learn the nursery routines and the simple rules that are in place for their safety. Children are independent and enjoy helping to carry out simple tasks.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The setting has been through a turbulent time during the COVID-19 pandemic.

There have been a number of changes to the leadership and staff team. Leaders and staff are passionate about the setting and the experiences they provide to children. Parents recognise the improvements made by the new staff team.

They comment how they are happy with the setting and would recommend it to others.Staff positively interact with children as they play alongside them. They use repetition and respond well to babies as they babble.

They sensitively repeat words that pre-school children mispronounce. This helps children to hear and learn the correct pronunciation of words. However, some staff, particularly those supporting toddlers, do not fully maximise every opportunity to introduce new vocabulary and challenge children's thinking during activities.

Staff plan a lovely range of activities that provide children with lots of opportunities to take part in experiences beyond those that they have at home. For example, children recall taking part in gardening activities. They learn how plants, fruit and vegetables grow as they help to plant seeds.

Toddlers display high levels of self-control as they independently and safely use suitable knives to chop courgettes.Leaders support staff very well. Staff participate in regular team meetings and supervision sessions.

They have good access to targeted training to build further on their professional development. However, leaders have not yet fully explored how staff can learn from one another and share best practice. Nevertheless, leaders are highly reflective of practice.

They are ambitious and have a clear vision for the setting. They are dedicated and committed to achieving the very best possible outcomes for children.Staff continually assess children's learning and swiftly spot any gaps in their development.

They provide valuable opportunities for children to work in small groups and have one-to-one time with their key person during sessions. This particularly supports those children with special educational needs and/or disabilities and those who speak English as an additional language, to make good progress.The key-person system is effective.

Children build secure attachments with staff. Staff have a strong knowledge of what children know and can do. They use this information well to meet children's individual learning needs and plan a range of exciting activities.

As a result, children are well prepared for the next stage of their learning.The setting's curriculum focuses on how staff can further enhance children's learning at home. Leaders have recently introduced a 'nursery library'.

This supports children to develop a love for reading. Staff encourage children to take different books home each week and read a story with their parents every day. Staff provide opportunities for children to talk about their favourite stories when they return to nursery.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Managers follow robust procedures to ensure that staff are suitable for their roles. Staff are aware of how to respond to any potential concerns about staff practice.

Managers and staff have a secure knowledge of the potential signs of child abuse and neglect. They know what to do and who to contact if they have a concern about a child. Staff are aware that they should only let children leave with known adults and those authorised to collect, contributing to children's safety.

Staff follow robust procedures when children are absent and monitor their attendance closely. This helps them to promote children's welfare.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: maximise opportunities to further build on toddlers' early communication and language skills to support them to make the best possible progress continue to develop strategies for staff to learn from one another and share best practice to elevate the quality of teaching to the highest possible level.

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