Shooting Stars After School Club

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About Shooting Stars After School Club

Name Shooting Stars After School Club
Address Culvers House Primary School, Mitcham, CR4 4JH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Sutton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children benefit from the warm, welcoming and relaxed atmosphere at the club.

This helps children of all ages to feel safe and secure. When children arrive, they immediately find activities that meet their needs and interests. As a result, children are consistently motivated to play.

For example, they spend long periods building a marble run together. Children become excited as they watch the marbles roll down each section. Children's healthy lifestyles are supported well.

For instance, there is plenty of time for them to have fresh air and exercise. Children have lots of fun as they practise their physical skills..., for example when they throw and catch balls outside. Staff involve children in the process of creating rules at the club.

This helps children to understand expectations and boundaries effectively. Staff and children agree, for example, that they should all have fun, be kind and respect others. Children show positive attitudes towards their friends and adults.

They are inclusive and accept the similarities and differences between them and each other. For instance, older children happily involve the younger ones and adapt their play so they can all take part.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff at Shooting Stars After School Club are kind and approachable.

They are all positive role models for the children, setting good examples of politeness and consideration. For example, staff use words such as 'please' and 'thank you' to teach children to behave well.Children enjoy the variety of craft activities on offer.

They show good levels of concentration as they draw pictures and practise their writing skills. Other children play with trains and rearrange the tracks happily. Children told the inspector that they 'like being at the club'.

Children are socially confident. They express their ideas freely and hold conversations with adults and their peers. For example, during the inspection, children chatted with the inspector about their favourite toys and upcoming holidays.

Staff provide children with regular opportunities for role play. They ask children questions about what they are doing, which keeps them motivated. Children enjoy exploring dressing-up clothes and pretending to be a veterinary surgeon.

Children behave well. They play together collaboratively. Children of all ages and abilities know how to take turns and they share toys with each other.

Children have close and trusting relationships with staff. On some occasions, staff do not make effective use of the daily routines to encourage children's independence skills.Staff work closely with the teachers at the school that children attend.

They embrace the sharing of ideas, such as how to manage children's behaviour. This practice benefits children as they receive a consistent approach.There are positive partnerships with parents.

Parents find that their children are well cared for at the club. However, at times, staff do not share information with parents as effectively as possible.The directors are supportive of staff.

They promote their own and staff's professional development for the benefit of the children. For instance, following training, staff have enhanced their knowledge of how to support young children's early reading to help prepare them for school.The directors evaluate the provision that they provide to make positive changes.

They seek the views of children, for example to help plan a range of stimulating activities to support their all-round learning and development.Safety is given priority at the club. Staff carry out regular risk assessments of the premises to help protect children's welfare.

The consistent staffing arrangements support children's emotional well-being effectively.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a secure understanding of child protection issues, including how to protect children from adopting extreme views.

They know how to report any concerns to relevant agencies to help keep children safe. All staff hold a valid paediatric first-aid qualification. This enables them to respond quickly to children who may be injured or become ill at the club.

Staff deployment is effective. This means that children receive good supervision even when they decide to play in different areas. The directors follow the correct recruitment and vetting procedures to help check staff's suitability to work with children.

Also at this postcode
Culvers House Primary School

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