Signhills Pre-School and Hardys Den

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About Signhills Pre-School and Hardys Den

Name Signhills Pre-School and Hardys Den
Ofsted Inspections
Address Signhills Academy Site, Hardys Road, CLEETHORPES, North East Lincolnshire, DN35 0DN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthEastLincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and settled in this calm, safe and welcoming pre-school and out-of-school club. Staff warmly greet children as they enter the setting. Children are curious in their play.

For example, they remain highly engaged as they play with the cars and garages. Children say that they want to create a ramp and staff ask them what they may need to do this. Staff use questions which encourage children to think and problem solve.

Children form strong bonds with all staff. The youngest children also enjoy their freedom to explore resources or to snuggle up with a member of staff. They become engrossed as they look a...t a book together.

The setting has been open throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Staff supported children and families throughout. Managers used technology during the COVID-19 pandemic to speak to parents, which has had a positive impact on children.

Staff were able to get to know children even more and provide specific learning opportunities for their needs. Children behave well. Staff act as positive role models and give children effective guidance and strategies to promote their positive behaviour.

For example, they provide children with sand timers to support them to develop an understanding of the need to take turns and share resources.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff know what children need to learn next and plan activities that build on their current interests. Children are extremely interested in colour-mixing activities.

They make comments about the changes as they add different colours to puddles outside. Staff support children to make predictions about new shades they are able to make by blending colours together.Parents speak highly of the pre-school.

They comment on the strong relationships between children and staff. Staff keep parents informed about their children's progress through an online learning journal. Parents comment that their children have come on in leaps and bounds.

Children continually engage in conversations with staff and their friends. Staff speak clearly to children and pronounce words correctly. They question children and give them time to think and respond.

Staff extend children's vocabulary, introducing them to new words, such as 'author'. They use signs to support toddlers' emerging language. Children confidently sing and sign their favourite songs.

There are good arrangements to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Children's individual needs are understood by all staff, who share information effectively with parents and other professionals. The manager gives good consideration to the way that she spends additional funding.

Children who attend the out-of-school club arrive happily and quickly settle at their chosen activities. They develop good social skills and build meaningful friendships. Children behave well and are polite and kind.

For instance, they welcome other children to join in with their games.The management team use robust systems to monitor staff's performance. They lead a capable and enthusiastic staff team, who are passionate about their work with children.

Staff speak highly about the direction that they receive from the managers to help increase their skills and knowledge. They focus sharply on evaluation of their practice and activities. This helps staff to consider areas for development to ensure that good practice is maintained.

The manager and committee place a strong emphasis on reducing staff's workload and promoting their well-being.Children are supported to think about their role in the community and take part in local community events. For example, they contribute to local recycling and litter-picking projects.

Children have regular opportunities to learn about different cultures and celebrations in ways that are meaningful to them.Children have many opportunities to play energetically, indoors and outside. They understand the effects of exercise on their bodies as they sit down and rest.

Children's physical development is further enhanced because staff provide them with healthy choices, such as fresh fruit, milk and water at snack times. However, staff do not consistently share information with parents about the importance of their children bringing healthy snacks for their lunch. Staff do not fully promote children's understanding of healthy eating when having snacks and meals.

This does not help children to understand the importance of a healthy diet.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The management team use robust recruitment procedures to ensure that all new staff are suitable to work with children.

Staff receive a detailed induction to help them understand their roles and responsibilities. They carry out regular checks to make sure that the environment is safe and is secure. All staff are up to date with child protection training and understand safeguarding procedures.

For example, staff adhere to the e-safety policy which means children are safe when they are using the computer. Staff work effectively with the host school and other agencies to share information and promote children's welfare.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: consider ways to enhance information sharing with parents around encouraging children's healthy eating nextend children's understanding of how healthy eating habits contribute to their overall health.

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