Skool Camp (Manchester) Ltd

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About Skool Camp (Manchester) Ltd

Name Skool Camp (Manchester) Ltd
Address Skool Camp (Manchester) Ltd, Haughton Green Playing Fields, The Green Park Centre, Denton, Manchester, M34 7EL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Tameside
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children cannot contain their excitement as they enter this first-rate club. The atmosphere buzzes with high energy and laughter. Children beam with delight as they greet their friends and tell them about their day at school.

Staff embrace children with hugs and listen to them with genuine interest. Children have a strong sense of belonging and settle very well. They behave well and demonstrate excellent attitudes towards their play.

Children help each other with board games and explain the rules. They cheer each other on when they score goals while playing football and tell each other how kind they are. Children are immer...sed in deep imagination and creativity.

They travel to a 'magical land' with their dolls and become fascinated while building dens. Children design their own celebration cards and are eager to share these with the inspector. Younger children spend time building a train track and giggle with delight while making aliens from dough.

Older children play ring games, read stories and dress up as princesses. Children like to spend time playing outdoors. They show excellent physical dexterity as they use the climbing frame.

They chase one another and learn how to balance on low-level beams. Children help to tidy toys away and are proud of their club. They develop the necessary skills in readiness for their next steps in play.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders vision of going 'above and beyond' is what makes this club so unique. They leave no stone unturned in removing barriers to play. Skool Camp is a special place, where children feel safe and happy.

Leaders aspire for the best play outcomes for children. Self-evaluation is accurate and includes the views of parents, children and staff.Leaders have established a play programme that is built on research, playwork principles and what they already know about children.

This means that children are provided with play experiences that capture their interests. For example, children become enthralled while searching for wildlife outdoors and are fascinated with learning new gymnastic techniques.The support in place for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is excellent.

Leaders ensure that secure links are in place with external professionals and parents. Staff know how to best support the needs of children with SEND. They adapt play experiences to ensure that all children are included.

This means that children with SEND flourish at this nurturing club.Leaders give staff well-being high priority. Staff report that leaders are amazing and working at the club is like 'one big family'.

Leaders value the skills and expertise that staff bring to the club. A strong sense of teamwork runs throughout the club and staff morale is high.Staff have supervision sessions and appraisal meetings with leaders.

They are set challenging targets to improve their professional practice. Staff report that training has a positive impact on outcomes for children. For example, communication and language training has helped staff to better support children's speaking skills through play.

This training has been shared with staff and class teachers to help children become confident communicators.Staff teach children exceptionally well about the world that they live in. Children talk about what makes them unique and discuss different festivals, such as Chinese New Year.

Children relish helping others who are less fortunate than they are. They help to collect food for the local foodbank and learn how fundraising helps to build schools in other countries.Partnership working is strong.

Leaders have established secure links with the local community. Staff liaise with the schools that children attend and complement their learning through play. Parents commend staff on their caring natures.

They comment that the club is 'truly amazing'. Parents receive regular updates about their children's time at the club.Care practices are good.

Staff teach children about healthy living and provide them with healthy food. Children follow good hygiene practices. They talk about why it is important to wash their hands before eating and after playing outside.

Staff talk about oral health with children and why visiting the dentist is essential to maintain healthy teeth.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders have a secure understanding of how to keep children safe and protected from harm.

They ensure that staff have up-to-date child protection training and are aware of the whistle-blowing procedures. Staff know the steps to take should they have a concern about a colleague. Leaders teach children about e-safety and how to keep themselves safe while online.

Risk assessments are robust and the premises are suitable for childcare. Staff are first-aid trained and know how to deal with accidents. Leaders do robust checks on staff to ensure that they are suitable to work with children.

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