Small World Kindergarten

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About Small World Kindergarten

Name Small World Kindergarten
Ofsted Inspections
Address 44a Anglesea Road, IPSWICH, IP1 3PP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Suffolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children exhibit high levels of contentment and feel secure at this welcoming setting. Staff work extremely closely with parents and carers to support their children to settle.

They have an in-depth knowledge of each child's care needs and support their emotional well-being superbly. Children fully understand what is expected of them and demonstrate excellent independence from a young age. They are encouraged to select their chosen activity from the varied, well-presented, resources.

Staff sensitively monitor what children are doing and offer effective support where needed. Older children confidently place their... slippers in drawers and put their own shoes on before going outdoors.Children flourish and thrive in the environment.

Babies delight in challenging and practising their physical skills. They negotiate the low bridge and confidently climb in and out of the wooden rocking boat. Older children explain what they need to do to 'keep us safe'.

They enjoy the outside space where they have opportunities to pedal bicycles, balance and climb on the climbing frame. Children in the pre-school room talk confidently about what they know, for instance, recalling that symmetrical means 'same on both sides'. They show delight when they notice that a chrysalis has turned into a butterfly and are eager to show the new butterfly to the inspector.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider, who is also the manager, has high expectations and works tirelessly to ensure children have the very best experiences. She ensures that staff fully understand how the Montessori resources can be used to support children's ongoing learning. The provider's ethos, to ensure children are well settled and to promote their independence, is implemented extremely well by staff.

Exceptional attention is given to meeting children's specific dietary and medical needs. Children eat healthy and nutritious meals and snacks in a social atmosphere. All staff are extremely well informed about children's individual health needs and are vigilant in making sure the detailed plans for the children's care are strictly followed.

Children behave very well and play extremely cooperatively together. They listen intently and respond positively to staff. Staff continually provide children with meaningful praise.

This helps to raise children's confidence superbly.The provider is sensitive to the impact that COVID-19 (coronavirus) may have had on the children and their families, and on her staff. Children have been able to have a 'birthday party' in the setting, celebrating their birthdays with their peers.

Staff share that they continue to have very high levels of support for their well-being within the team.Partnerships with parents and carers are exceptional. Parents offer the highest praise for the setting.

They comment on the excellent feedback they receive from staff and how they have been offered support such as being signposted to other professionals. Parents express their willingness to travel 'out of their way', so that their children can attend the setting.Children of all ages learn to foster a love of reading and enjoy a wide range of books.

They select books independently and listen animatedly to staff as they enthusiastically read a story. Children eagerly join in with familiar words and phrases, and enjoy action songs and rhymes.The well-qualified staff show a genuine enthusiasm and passion for their work with children.

They regularly reflect on their own and each other's practice to help them to continually improve outcomes for children. The provider's support and close monitoring ensures any areas for development are swiftly addressed to maintain a high quality of teaching and learning. Staff have continued to undergo training during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Children have many opportunities to develop the skills they need for the next stage in their learning. They demonstrate resilience as they build on what they know. Children beam with pride as staff acknowledge their achievements such as counting and identifying numbers, reading simple words, and writing their name.

Staff continue to challenge the most able children. They skilfully question them so they have time to think about the answers and to solve their own problems. All children make substantial and sustained progress throughout their time at the setting.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Safeguarding is given unquestionable priority. Highly comprehensive policies and procedures help to ensure staff have an expert awareness and understanding of how to identify when a child may be at risk of harm.

Staff know exactly what action they must take if they are concerned for the welfare of a child. They regularly complete training and have briefings during staff meetings to deepen their awareness of wider safeguarding issues even further. The provider follows rigorous procedures to check staff's initial and ongoing suitability to work with children and to ensure they know their responsibilities.

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