Smarty’s After School Club

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About Smarty’s After School Club

Name Smarty’s After School Club
Address Coteford Junior School, Fore Street, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 2JQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hillingdon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children say they enjoy attending the club. In particular, they say staff are are supportive and form good relationships with them.

Children sit and chat to staff and each other when they arrive at the club. They build on the social skills they develop in school. Children eagerly talk about their favourite activities at the club, which include playing football outside.

However, there is scope for the range of physical activities to be expanded. Children are encouraged to help plan the activities they take part in, for example, suggesting cooking activities, including making pizza and fruit kebabs. Children gain satisfactio...n from helping each other.

Older children help younger ones cut out Easter Egg shapes during craft activities. They plan games to play and work together to find resources and toys. Children understand how to keep themselves safe and the need for good hygiene.

They make sure they wash their hands, for example. Children are kept safe and secure at the club. They behave well and are polite to each other and staff.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well. Staff provide gentle encouragement, helping them to play games and take part in activities. Children are happy, laughing with each other as they relax after their school day.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff create an inclusive atmosphere in the club. They encourage children to talk about their different families, experiences, cultures and backgrounds. Staff listen attentively as children talk, helping to build their conversation skills.

They effectively support children's emotional well-being.The provider constantly reflects on the service she provides for children and their families. She uses this effectively to enhance the training opportunities she provides for staff.

Staff say the training they receive is of high quality. They benefit from regular supervision and are consistently encouraged to develop their skills, knowledge and confidence.Children choose from a range of resources and activities.

They are encouraged to follow their interests and contribute their ideas and opinions about the club. Many children enjoy outdoor play and physical activities, such as football. Staff enable children to engage in these games for as long as they wish to.

However, the provider is aware that girls and boys do not play together as much as they could, and activities could be created to support this more effectively.Children are supervised well as they move between the school and the club. The provider has put arrangements in place for school staff to accompany children to the club.

Staff carry out regular risk assessments to keep children safe. When moving around the club, for instance, children are constantly monitored. Staff use walkie-talkies to inform each other when children are moving between rooms.

All staff have worked at the club for a long period of time and many also work at the school. Children respond well to the consistency in the care they receive. Parents are very happy with the service provided and praise the staff.

They talk about the good level of communication, saying they receive regular emails and texts. Parents feel their children are kept safe.Staff encourage children to think about the food they eat.

Children's dietary needs are carefully monitored and healthy snacks are provided, including a choice of fresh fruit and vegetables.Children are gently reminded about how to behave at the club and staff consistently model good manners between themselves and the children. Children take great pride in what they achieve at the club.

For instance, proudly showing cards they have made to take home for their parents.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff are secure in their safeguarding knowledge and understand the duty they have to keep children attending the club safe.

They are clear in the procedures to follow if they have concerns about the welfare of any child in their care. Staff confidently discuss a wide range of issues. For example, how they keep children safe online.

Staff understand how to identify a child who may be at risk including of exposure to extreme ideas and behaviours. They monitor that interactions between boys and girls are respectful. The provider has effective recruitment procedures in place to ensure staff are suitable to work with children.

Also at this postcode
Coteford Junior School

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