Southgate West Playgroup

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About Southgate West Playgroup

Name Southgate West Playgroup
Ofsted Inspections
Address Hilltop Primary School, Ditchling Hill, Southgate West, Crawley, West Sussex, RH11 8QL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WestSussex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour, which supports children to demonstrate positive attitudes to learning. For instance, at the beginning of the school year, children share their ideas of what they think good behaviour looks like, in order to create a list of 'golden rules'. Staff discuss the rules with children during whole group activities, which helps to embed children's understanding of how they are expected to behave at pre-school.

Staff supervise the children well, which enables them to identify when children are struggling to regulate their feelings. Staff respond appropriately by talking to children a...bout their behaviour in an age-appropriate way, and this helps children to understand how their actions may be impacting on others. Children are happy and engage confidently in their learning environment.

During the inspection, children were observed to independently select their favourite books to look at. They enjoyed reading them to staff, recalling from memory what happened on each page. Staff extended this by encouraging children to remember the words from the story, which helps to build on children's literacy skills.

Staff support children effectively to move through the daily routines of the pre-school. For instance, when it is time to tidy up, staff use a tambourine to alert children that it is time to finish their activities. Children respond positively and join in with these tasks.

This helps children to understand what is expected of them.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Since the last inspection, the nominated individual has improved her understanding of notifying Ofsted of any changes to individuals connected to the registration. This means that the relevant suitability checks can be conducted in order to promote the safety of children.

The manager and staff have formed a strong team, which promotes a positive culture of working together. The manager actively supports staff to build on their professional development in a number of ways. This includes talking to them to identify further training, and giving them effective feedback on her observations of their practice.

This strengthens the teaching that children receive at the pre-school to secure better outcomes in their overall progress.The manager and staff recognise the importance of getting to know the children well in order to plan for their learning. They work with parents and other agencies to ensure that they gather essential information.

This enables the manager and staff to provide targeted support for children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This also helps them to identify how additional funding can be used appropriately to promote children's development.The manager and staff incorporate children's diverse family backgrounds into their learning experiences.

They build on children's knowledge of themselves and their friends by learning about cultural events that are relevant to the children who attend. The manager invites families to teach children about their cultures. For instance, parents have previously visited the children to sing songs and read stories in their home language.

This helps children to learn about the wider world around them.Overall, staff understand how to motivate children to become independent learners and they organise the environment to support this. However, this is not always consistently implemented.

For instance, at times staff are not as prompt at supporting children to wipe their noses, and the snack- time routines are not as well thought out. This does not fully enable children to develop their independence skills.Children confidently select the activities and experiences that capture their interest.

Staff position themselves around the pre-school to help build on children's knowledge and abilities. For instance, staff extend children's mathematical knowledge by encouraging them to find different numbers as they play with a magnetic set. Staff give children time to consider their answers, and they gently guide them when they need support.

This helps staff to assess what children know and what they need to learn next.The manager and staff implement effective strategies to promote children's safety. For instance, they support children to take appropriate risks, such as cutting fruit using age-appropriate tools.

Staff explain to children how to hold the tools, and supervise them well until they have completed their task. Staff praise children appropriately and children appear pleased with their achievements. This gives children a growing awareness of how to manage risks for themselves.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nenhance staff practice to further support children to develop their independence skills.

Also at this postcode
Hilltop Primary School Caterpillars Pre-School (Sussex) Limited

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