Sparklers Nursery

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About Sparklers Nursery

Name Sparklers Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address The Watling Centre, 145 Orange Hill Road, EDGWARE, Middlesex, HA8 0TR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Barnet
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children play and learn in a positive and nurturing environment. They are greeted by warm and caring staff who know them well.

Staff form positive attachments with children. This helps children to settle in well and develop confidence to explore the many interesting resources and activities. Children are enthusiastic and active learners.

They have lots of opportunities to play indoors and outdoors. Children learn about nature through exploring the setting's mud kitchen, and they enjoy planting and gardening. The children take care of the setting's mini beasts and discuss what food they like to eat and how much water to... give them so they can grow big and strong.

This helps children to understand the world around them. Children behave very well. Staff provide gentle reminders and explanations to help children learn about rules and boundaries.

Children receive warm praise from staff for the good choices they make. They learn to speak respectfully to each other, take turns and be kind to their friends. Staff interact warmly during care routines such as nappy changes and washing hands.

Children approach staff if they need comfort or reassurance. This helps children to feel safe and secure.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children gain good independence skills.

For instance, they serve themselves food and water at mealtimes. Older children dress themselves and support younger and less able children to gain these skills. Children have good safety awareness.

They understand they need to walk indoors to avoid accidents, and they use the outdoor area with care and caution.Staff successfully teach children about making healthy choices and leading healthy lifestyles. They ensure children wash their hands regularly, learn how to keep their teeth clean and have daily physical exercise.

Children look forward to eating the healthy snacks and nutritious home-cooked meals.All children are making good progress across the seven areas of learning. Any possible gaps in learning are quickly identified and appropriate support put in place.

Children are well prepared for their next stages of learning. Overall, the curriculum is well sequenced and challenging.Staff observe and monitor children's progress.

They provide exciting experiences that children engage with and enjoy. However, occasionally during activities, staff do not give children enough time to think and answer questions posed to them. This does not always provide opportunities for children to promote and develop their thinking.

Managers and leaders support children with special educational needs and or/ disabilities (SEND) and those who speak English as an additional language well.They work with parents and other professionals and use strategies recommended for them to support children with SEND. This ensures that every child makes good progress.

Children are motivated and curious to learn. Young children enjoy looking at books. They point to familiar objects and make relevant sounds.

Older children enjoy rolling, squashing and pinching play dough, as well as pouring water and filling different-sized containers. This helps develop the small muscles in their hands. However, on occasion, the learning environment can become noisy, and some children find it difficult to concentrate and focus on their chosen activities.

Leaders have worked hard to address the weaknesses identified at the last inspection. They understand the priorities and which areas they want to improve to ensure that all children achieve to the highest levels. The manager works closely with staff to support their learning through training and development.

For example, staff have completed training to support children with their communication, and this has had a positive impact on all children's language development.The manager and staff have good relationships with parents. Parents speak positively about the staff and describe them as friendly and caring.

Parents value the daily feedback they receive and the regular updates about their children's development through the nursery app. Children's progress is shared regularly with parents, including next steps for learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Safeguarding knowledge within the setting is robust. Staff are confident about recognising the different types of abuse and reporting procedures. They have a clear understanding of what they need to do if an allegation is made against them or a member of staff.

Daily risk assessments are carried out before the children arrive, and the provision is clean and safe. Staff supervise children well throughout the day. There are robust recruitment procedures in place to ensure adults working with children are suitable.

Children learn how to keep themselves safe and healthy. For example, staff teach children how to use knives safely when preparing snacks.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: create an environment that supports children's ability to concentrate and focus on their chosen activity, with specific regard to managing noise levels support staff's knowledge to make better use of questions during activities to promote thinking.

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