Spon Lane Day Nursery

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About Spon Lane Day Nursery

Name Spon Lane Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 93 Spon Lane, West Bromwich, West Midlands, B70 6AB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Sandwell
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is goodnStaff are welcoming, warm and friendly.

They get to know the children and their families well on entry and help them to settle into the routines. Children are happy and benefit from a broad range of stimulating and challenging play and learning experiences. They quickly become familiar with their surroundings and build positive relationships with staff.

nThe management team places a strong focus on improving the quality of the provision and the outcomes for children. Managers take into account the views of staff, parents and children when making changes to the environment. They have regular staff meetings to review and reflect on all aspects of prac...tice to further develop the nursery to benefit children.

nThe quality of teaching is good. Staff work with parents and other professionals to ensure that children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported well. They use individual programmes and additional support to ensure that children receive the right help, closely matched to their needs.

nParents speak highly of the management team and staff. They receive regular information about their children's learning and development. Staff work closely with the parents to ensure that the children's care and learning needs are met.

Parents say that staff provide them with information about children's weekly activities and dual-language reading books to help them continue to support their children's learning at home. nOccasionally, staff do not always organise group times effectively so that younger children are encouraged to fully concentrate and engage in the activities. nIn the pre-school room, some staff do not always make the most of every opportunity to encourage and support children's independence skills.

For example, staff complete simple tasks, such as serving food or pouring water into a cup, that children can do for themselves.

information about their children's learning and development. Staff work closely with the

parents to ensure that the children's care and learning needs are met.

Parents say that staff provide them with information about children's weekly activities and dual-language reading books to help them continue to support their children's learning at home. nOccasionally, staff do not always organise group times effectively so that younger children are encouraged to fully concentrate and engage in the activities. nIn the pre-school room, some staff do not always make the most of every opportunity to encourage and support children's independence skills.

For example, staff complete simple tasks, such as serving food or pouring water into a cup, that children can do for themselves. What the setting needs to do to improve furtherTo further improve the quality of the early years provision the provider should:nfurther support children's learning at group times to encourage all children to be more involved and to extend their concentration skills nencourage children to develop independence skills and provide them with opportunities to fulfil some tasks by themselves. Inspection activitiesnThe inspector observed the quality of teaching indoors and outside, and assessed the impact this has on children's learning and development.

nThe inspector spoke to parents during the inspection and took account of their views. nThe inspector completed a joint evaluation of activities with the nursery manager. nThe inspector held a meeting with the nursery management team.

nThe inspector spoke to staff and children during the inspection and took account of their views. nThe inspector looked at relevant documentation and checked evidence of the suitability of the staff working in the nursery. InspectorNasreen GhalibInspection findingsEffectiveness of leadership and management is goodThe arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are knowledgeable and confident about the procedures to follow if they have any concerns about a child's welfare. They keep their knowledge of child protection up to date through regular training. The manager meets with staff to discuss their performance.

She regularly checks staff's knowledge of safeguarding. For example, she sets staff safeguarding quizzes to complete. Recruitment and vetting procedures are effective in helping to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children.

Staff benefit from a comprehensive induction, so that they have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. Staff implement effective risk assessments to help minimise risks to children. Children's progress is closely monitored to identify gaps in learning for individuals or groups of children.

Staff work together to find ways to close any identified gaps and improve outcomes for children. Quality of teaching, learning and assessment is goodStaff observe and use a good range of teaching strategies to help children to learn through a balance of adult-led and child-initiated play. Children benefit from a range of creative activities.

For example, babies enjoy exploring different coloured spaghetti and sensory toys. Staff support early language development well as they repeat back the sounds that babies make, and rephrase sentences to model the correct structure. Staff and young children use Makaton language to sing and sign their favourite rhymes during circle time.

The pre-school children delight in self-chosen role-play games in the home corner. During outdoor play children confidently explore the exciting activities. They become engaged for sustained periods of time mixing mud and water into different consistencies in the mud kitchen.

Children fill small containers and water the vegetables and herbs that they have planted. Personal development, behaviour and welfare are goodThe key-person system is well established and effective across the nursery. Children form strong attachments to staff and close friendships with their peers.

Children's health is promoted well. They are provided with healthy snacks and freshly-cooked meals. Staff take account of children's allergies and dietary requirements.

Children's physical development and emotional well-being are promoted well. They access a range of physical activities indoors and outdoors to strengthen their skills further. Children respond well to staff and demonstrate positive behaviours.

Children's attendance is good. Outcomes for children are goodAll children make good progress in learning and development. They are well prepared for their next stage of learning and eventual move to school.

Children develop good communication, language and literacy skills. Older children practise their early writing skills. They enjoy singing, reading and listening to stories with their key persons.

Children develop good mathematical skills. Babies enjoy experimenting with a range of sensory toys. Setting detailsUnique reference numberEY542278Local authoritySandwell Inspection number10099600Type of provisionChildcare on non-domestic premisesRegistersEarly Years RegisterDay care typeFull day careAge range of children0 - 4Total number of places40Number of children on roll47Name of registered personSpon Lane Day Nursery LimitedRegistered person unique reference numberRP542277Date of previous inspectionNot applicableTelephone number01213571370Spon Lane Day Nursery Limited registered in May 2017.

The nursery operates all year round, from 7am to 6.30pm, Monday to Friday, except for bank holidays and one week at Christmas. The nursery offers funded early education for two-, three- and four-year-old children.

All childcare staff hold appropriate early years qualifications, between level 2 and level 6. This inspection was carried out by Ofsted under sections 49 and 50 of the Childcare Act 2006 on the quality and standards of provision that is registered on the Early Years Register. The registered person must ensure that this provision complies with the statutory framework for children's learning, development and care, known as the early years foundation stage.

Any complaints about the inspection or the report should be made following the procedures set out in the guidance Complaints procedure: raising concerns and making complaints about Ofsted, which is available from Ofsted's website: www.ofsted.gov.

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uk.The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) regulates and inspects to achieve excellence in the care of children and young people, and in education and skills for learners of all ages. It regulates and inspects childcare and children's social care, and inspects the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass), schools, colleges, initial teacher training, further education and skills, adult and community learning, and education and training in prisons and other secure establishments.

It assesses council children's services, and inspects services for looked after children, safeguarding and child protection.If you would like a copy of this document in a different format, such as large print or Braille, please telephone 0300 123 1231, or email [email protected].

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