Sports And All

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About Sports And All

Name Sports And All
Address Forest Park School, 27 Oakfield, Sale, M33 6NB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Trafford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are greeted by the welcoming staff as they arrive to start their day.

Children understand the routine of the club, which helps them to quickly settle. They show a good sense of belonging as they arrive buzzing with excitement and eager to join in. Children demonstrate good behaviour as they play a range of competitive sports alongside each other.

To begin the day children are split into groups. Younger children focus on their physical movements and stride around the garden like a tall giraffe. Older children enjoy taking part in competitive challenges as part of a team.

Children benefit from a well-resour...ced and well-planned indoor environment with a range of areas for children to relax, play and engage in. Children also access a large outdoor play environment which allows them to develop their physical skills and their understanding of sports. Staff plan purposeful activities for the children, providing them with many opportunities to voice their views and opinions.

This enables children to contribute ideas for daily activities and the sports they choose to participate in. Children access a healthy, varied and nutritious snack. This helps them to make healthy choices and try new foods.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff engage with children well and are warm and caring. They support children to enjoy their time at the club and to have fun. Staff complement children's learning with activities that help them to practise a range of skills.

These include listening, concentration, communicating and the development of their large and small physical skills. For instance, children count the cones as they collect them in at the end of the game. Children are able to count beyond 20 with ease.

Children learn the effects that exercise has on the body. After taking part in activities in the garden, the children are encouraged to recognise any changes that may have occurred. For example, they put their hands to their head and said, 'I'm all hot and sweaty.'

Staff encourage the children to understand the importance of exercise to maintain a healthy body.Leadership and management of the club are strong. Members of the management team provide many opportunities for staff's professional development.

They support staff well through regular supervision meetings and target training to meet staff's needs. For example, new staff members complete training in paediatric first aid as soon as they start at the club. This strengthens and supports the safety and welfare of all children as all staff are trained in paediatric first aid.

Children behave exceptionally well. Staff have high expectations of children and their consistent approach promotes respect and kindness to everyone. This means that children know and understand the boundaries in place and use their manners appropriately.

Older children and younger children play pleasantly together.Safety in the club is a high priority. The building is secure and visitors are signed in and out of the club.

Staff supervise children well when they use other areas of the setting to play, such as during their time out in the garden. Children are aware of how keep themselves safe when out in the rain. They know to take extra care when walking across the wooden beams.

This helps to build up children's resilience to risk and their confidence in carrying out tasks.Parents receive information about the club electronically. They receive information prior to their children attending, which includes details about activities.

Staff share information about children through daily discussions. Parents praise the efforts of all staff and comment on how they feel children's safety is a priority.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff have a good understanding of their safeguarding responsibilities. They can identify with confidence the procedures for responding to a child who makes a disclosure of abuse. Staff know the steps to take should they feel concerned about the welfare of a child.

They also understand the whistle-blowing procedure and know their duties should they have an allegation against a member of the management team. The designated safeguarding lead supports staff to understand safeguarding issues such as keeping children safe online. Daily risk assessments of the environment by all staff help to protect children from harm.

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