Sporty Scholars Ltd @ Loughton

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About Sporty Scholars Ltd @ Loughton

Name Sporty Scholars Ltd @ Loughton
Address Loughton Manor First School, Paynes Drive, Loughton, Milton Keynes, MK5 8FA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority MiltonKeynes
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children access a wide range of physical activities throughout their time at the club. Staff adapt sports according to age and abilities to ensure these are inclusive for all children.

They receive the option of alternative activities if they do not want to participate in the main sports on offer. Children settle well and are happy, they join in enthusiastically with the varied activities. Children communicate their personal needs confidently, such as needing the bathroom or if they are hungry or thirsty.

Children build strong relationships with their peers and staff. They understand the club routines and behavioural expec...tations. For example, they return to the end of the line when their turn has finished.

Children behave well, staff offer regular reminders of the camp rules to support positive behaviour. Children share and take turns well, they are confident and able to express their ideas and wishes. Staff support of all children effectively, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

They ensure these children can participate and receive additional help as needed.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and the manager have made significant improvements since the last inspection. All previous actions have been met.

For example, the nominated individual has enhanced her knowledge and understanding of requirements with the support of other senior team members.All staff receive an effective induction into their role. They complete online training in safeguarding and food hygiene.

Staff also learn about the club's policies and procedures. This equips them to carry out their roles and responsibilities to keep children safe and meet their needs.Leaders, managers, and staff organise the environment well and provide safe and suitable equipment.

All children and staff have a base group and room. They share the available space well and move around safely to the different activity areas, indoors and out. However, occasionally young children wait for long periods of time to complete routine tasks, as well as in-between activities.

Consequently, they become restless and fidgety.Children have many opportunities to develop their physical skills and to be creative. They learn to throw and catch and use cricket bats to hit the tennis balls.

Staff support them to use a suitable grip to hold sporting equipment. They use language younger children understand, such as to 'hug the bat like a teddy bear' when they start to wave it around.Staff observe children closely to get to know them well and understand how best to offer relevant support.

They speak to children warmly and staff praise children's efforts and achievements. This gives them a sense of pride, that contributes towards them feeling proud of their successes.Children learn the benefits of healthy eating and lifestyle choices.

They are able to bring their own healthy food and snacks from home or have the option to pre-book for the club to provide these. Parents share details of allergies and preferences to ensure children's needs are met.Leaders take children's interests into account when planning themes and timetables to ensure they engage and enjoy the club.

Staff use positive methods to support large groups of children. For instance, they use clapping or put their hands in the air to gain children's attention and then explain what will happen next in the daily routine.Parents comment they are very happy with the club and what is on offer.

They highlight the staff are friendly and welcoming. Parents feel assured their children are safe. They state their children love the activities and enjoy sharing with parents what they have been doing and eating, at the end of the day.

Parents also comment they are delighted the children are able to be outside and physically active.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Children access a safe and secure environment.

Staff use risk assessments effectively to minimise hazards and risks to children's safety. Children learn how to access activities safely and use equipment to keep themselves and others safe. Staff have a good knowledge of how to recognise when children may be at risk of harm.

They understand the process to follow if they have concerns about a colleague's behaviour or about children in their care. The manager designs comprehensive quizzes to test staff's knowledge. Robust arrangements for recruitment are in place to ensure those caring for children are suitable.

Also at this postcode
Loughton Manor First School

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