St Agnes Pre-school

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About St Agnes Pre-school

Name St Agnes Pre-school
Ofsted Inspections
Address St Agnes Church Hall, Darmonds Green, Wirral, Merseyside, CH48 5DU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wirral
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy, safe and settled here. They make good progress in their learning. The key-person system is well established.

This helps children to form secure attachments with staff. All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported. Staff know the children well.

They plan meaningful experiences for them across all seven areas of learning. Children are becoming independent learners. They put their own coats, socks and wellington boots on before playing outside.

Children's behaviour is good. They take turns as they go down the slide. Younger children... work together to dig for treasure in the sandpit.

However, staff sometimes miss opportunities to teach children about the pre-school rules during group activities. Leaders have devised a carefully constructed curriculum. It provides children with opportunities to learn about the local community.

Children go on trips to the library. They regularly visit the local nursing home and perform songs to the residents. Staff teach children about different cultures.

This helps children learn about people and families that are different to their own. Children enjoy performing a musical dragon dance as they learn about Chinese New Year. They enjoy listening to staff as they read a Chinese story.

Younger children join in by making the noises of the animals in the book.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have forged effective partnerships with local schools and a range of professionals. They work well with relevant agencies.

This helps to improve staff's knowledge of how to support children, including those with SEND. Staff attend training to further develop their knowledge. This helps to improve practice and outcomes for children.

Children's mathematical development is promoted well. Children count how many friends are around their table at snack time. They give out the correct number of cups and plates.

Younger children giggle with glee as they play hide and seek outside. Staff encourage them to count up to 10 before finding the hidden animals. Children's early literacy skills are promoted well.

They recognise letters while completing jigsaws. Staff enhance children's learning of letters and the sounds that they represent in their daily phonics session.Children learn how to develop healthy lifestyles, including understanding the importance of exercise.

The pre-school provides healthy and nutritious snacks, and children enjoy their social mealtimes. Children have ample opportunities to be physically active. They show good control in both small and large movements.

Younger children enjoy brushing leaves up and collecting them in their wheelbarrows. They enjoy transporting balls from the top of the steps to the bottom. Older children balance across planks of wood.

Staff extend their learning by asking them to move along the planks in different ways. Children's physical development is enhanced by going on weekly trips to the park.Staff plan exciting activities for children.

This helps to motivate and excite children into learning. However, staff sometimes miss opportunities to teach children about the rules of the pre-school to further extend their good behaviour.Staff complete regular observations and assessments of children's development.

They have a clear picture of individual children's progress and attainment. Staff build effective relationships with parents. They share information about children's learning.

Staff suggest how parents can help children to achieve the next steps in their learning. This helps to support children's learning at home. Parents praise the pre-school staff for helping children learn and develop new skills in a relaxed and nurturing environment.

Self-evaluation includes the views of staff, children and parents. Leaders have recently implemented an initiative to further support children with their speech and language development.Children develop positive attitudes to their play and they are eager to learn.

Their communication and language skills are developing well. Staff talk with children about what they are doing. This helps children to link words to actions.

Staff extend children's vocabulary as they describe how the Chinese dragons feel. Children make good progress from their starting points. They are working at a level typical for their age.

Children gain the key skills needed for the next stage in their development and the move to school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good understanding of what constitutes a safeguarding concern.

They understand the procedures to follow to protect children from harm. The manager ensures that staff keep their knowledge up to date. Staff attend training courses, access online training and have weekly staff meetings.

Good recruitment procedures ensure that children are always cared for by suitable adults. Staff have the necessary skills to fulfil their roles in the pre-school. Risk assessments are completed to minimise any risks to children.

Children are supervised well in all areas of the pre-school. Consequently, children are protected.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: provide more opportunities for children to learn about the rules of the pre-school.

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