St Michael’s After School Centre and Holiday Playcentre

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About St Michael’s After School Centre and Holiday Playcentre

Name St Michael’s After School Centre and Holiday Playcentre
Address St. Michaels CE Primary School, Granville Road, LONDON, SW18 5SQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wandsworth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff care for children in a very safe and welcoming environment. They plan a wide range of stimulating activities and opportunities that children particularly enjoy. Children use construction materials skilfully to create a range of intricate three-dimensional models.

They greatly enjoy taking part in art and craft activities that are planned to help them express their own ideas. Children's imagination is captured and they engage with full concentration in activities, for example when making Christmas worry dolls. Staff engage in discussion with children, and make regular observations of their involvement and enjoyment in the acti...vities.

They use this knowledge well to plan future activities that interest children. All staff listen to children's views and value their opinions and feelings. Children know the rules and behave well.

Staff support children to resolve any conflicts with each other and help them to play happily and with interest.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children have many opportunities to engage in physical activities. They access the school playground all year round.

Staff provide children with plenty of opportunities that promote healthy lifestyles. For example, children have daily access to a range of healthy food that meets their dietary requirements. They are also expected to wash their hands before meals.

There is an effective key-person system in place that especially helps the youngest children to develop secure relationships with staff. Parents say that they are happy with the quality of care their children receive and that their children enjoy their time at the provision.Children's emotional well-being and confidence are well promoted.

Staff identify daily monitors to help supervise tidying up, and to support the younger children. This helps to promote children's emotional development and gives them a sense of responsibility. Older children show good levels of consideration towards younger children.

The manager and staff have high expectations of children's independence and promote it effectively. When children arrive after school, they hang up their own bags and coat. At snack time, they dish out their own meals and scrape their plates when they have finished.

Staff are passionate about their work with children. They provide challenging and interesting opportunities for children to explore and to keep them fully engaged. Staff make excellent use of open questions and discussions with children during play.

This strengthens children's communication skills and language development.There are meaningful opportunities for children to learn about different religious and cultural traditions and celebrations. For instance, during Diwali, children created their own rangoli handprints.

Children are encouraged to learn about different festivals and traditions to reflect positively on how these differ from their own experiences.The manager has developed strong partnerships with the staff within the school. They promote successful two-way communication to share information about the curriculum themes and children's well-being.

This helps to provide a good extension to children's learning at school.The provision follows robust recruitment and vetting procedures. The manager is responsible for instigating induction procedures for all new staff to help them learn about the setting and their responsibilities.

All staff have regular supervisory meetings.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and the staff have a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities to safeguard children.

They know the possible signs of abuse, and the action to take if they are concerned about a child's welfare. Staff undertake safeguarding training on a regular basis to ensure that their knowledge is up to date. They are vigilant and supervise children very well at all times, without making them fearful or jeopardising their independence.

For example, children go to the toilet in pairs, and staff complete regular headcounts. Staff complete daily risk assessments to identify and minimise potential hazards to children. There are clear procedures for parents and carers when collecting children, to keep children safe.

Also at this postcode
St Michael’s CofE Primary School

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