St Michael’s Nursery

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About St Michael’s Nursery

Name St Michael’s Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address All Souls Church Hall, Station Road, LONDON, NW10 4UJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Brent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children enjoy themselves at the nursery. Staff are passionate and dedicated. They ensure that the children settle quickly when they come into the setting.

There are high expectations for all of the children. This is evident in the way that the children behave. Children have impeccable manners, are kind and courteous to one another.

They are confident, happy and enjoy sharing their thoughts and ideas. Children are praised for their participation and do a 'well done dance' when they share their ideas with their friends. The curriculum is well planned and covers all areas of learning.

Children benefit from a curriculum, indoors and outdoors. They delight in their time outdoors and the exciting activities available to them. In addition, they access an orchard, where the children grow apples, rhubarb and raspberries.

Children help to grow fruit in the orchard and enjoy cooking and eating them. The nursery places a strong emphasis on oral hygiene. The children enjoy visits to the local dentist, developing good habits to take care of their teeth from an early age.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff show that they understand and know the children very well. The curriculum is thorough and well planned enabling children to develop well in all areas. The curriculum places a strong emphasis on mathematical concepts.

This is introduced throughout the day. For example, when children make sun catchers, they are asked about the different shapes and sizes that they are using. Children count confidently.

When comparing the sizes of vegetables, they learn about weighing and measuring different quantities.Staff track children's development to ensure that they make good progress, regardless of their starting points. The manager uses additional funding effectively to help narrow gaps in children's learning.

Staff provide effective support to children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They identify areas that need any support and act promptly to address them. Staff work closely with other professionals and parents to support children appropriately.

Children are introduced to interesting discussions. For example, when children talk about eggs, staff use this to expand their language. They extend discussions to help children gain a wider understanding of different animals that lay eggs and how to take care of them before they hatch.

Children join in with lively conversations and ask staff questions. Staff use open-ended questions to deepen children's thinking. For example, they ask children 'What does a crocodile do with the eggs it lays?' Children are given time to think and reason what is asked of them.

Children's independence is well supported. Children are encouraged to clean up after themselves at mealtimes, put on their own coats and are given roles and responsibilities throughout the day. Staff support the children sensitively and this supports a smooth transition to school.

The nursery has built strong links with the local schools and this has ensured children settle quickly when they start.Parents feel that they have built a strong bond with the staff at the nursery. The setting offers termly parents' evenings and shares photos and work the children complete on a weekly basis.

Parents comment that their children have thrived in their time at the nursery and they have learned a lot from the staff. Parents comment warmly on how different cultures and their festivals are celebrated and they feel valued within the nursery.Leaders are passionate about the setting and the care they provide for children.

They carry out regular supervision meetings with staff to reflect on their practice. Staff are given time to discuss any concerns they have. Overall, leaders focus on enhancing the setting.

They support staff to attend mandatory training. However, leaders do not consistently identify all areas of weakness. This means that staff do not always attend specific training to further develop their knowledge.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff demonstrate that they have a good understanding of their safeguarding roles and responsibilities. They are confident in identifying signs that may mean children are at risk of harm.

Staff confidently discuss the procedures they follow if they have concerns about a child. Leaders ensure that policies are kept up to date and that contact information for the local authority is clear and easy to find. All staff have a good knowledge of wider safeguarding issues, such as the 'Prevent' duty.

Staff know what procedures to follow if they have concerns about another member of staff. Risk assessments are conducted on a daily basis to ensure that the areas the children access are safe.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen supervision to identify areas of weakness and tailor training to raise the quality of teaching to a higher level.

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