St Nicholas Playgroup

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About St Nicholas Playgroup

Name St Nicholas Playgroup
Ofsted Inspections
Address St Nicholas Church, Rochester, ME2 4TR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Medway
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children arrive at the playgroup happy and eager to see their friends and the staff. Staff greet the children and families warmly and are genuinely interested to hear their news.

Parents speak very highly of staff. They praise the support that staff give them and their children. Staff make good use of the local facilities and value the playgroup's role as an important part of the community.

They build good relationships with local services such as the fire service and the library. Children's behaviour is very good. Staff teach children to understand and follow the daily routines quickly.

This means that childr...en settle immediately to play with the exciting opportunities that staff provide. Children learn to be kind and considerate to their friends. Staff model good manners and teach children to play together and take turns.

Children's affectionate relationships with the staff show that they feel safe. Staff gather useful information when children first start. They use this information to plan activities so that all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, make good progress throughout their time at the playgroup.

Children have plentiful opportunities to be physically active indoors and outdoors, for example when they dance to favourite songs.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and managers plan carefully for children's development. For example, the sharp focus on children's speaking and listening skills supports children to ask interesting questions and to problem-solve with their friends.

Staff observe children closely. They identify and put in place additional support to help children who need it.Children listen carefully to instructions.

They respond quickly and are willing helpers in daily tasks. For instance, children learn how to help staff put toys away carefully, select cups and plates at snack time and get ready for new activities.Children are very interested in the activities that staff plan.

For example, they become deeply involved in exploring the textures and smells of fruit and fruit tea bags in water. They concentrate as they fill silver pots and jugs with different-sized spoons and practise the interesting words they have learned to describe tastes and smells. Occasionally, staff miss opportunities to build on children's explorations and extend their learning.

Staff teach children to recognise and value what is unique about them. For instance, children are encouraged to discuss what colour hair and eyes they have and compare this with their friend's. Older children draw self-portraits which are carefully displayed.

They are learning to write their names. All children learn to recognise their names as they self-register in the morning and at snack time.Staff plan many activities that support children to learn about healthy eating.

The playgroup has taken part in a healthy eating award. Staff use what they have learned to teach children about foods that are good for you. They work with parents to help them to understand how to tackle fussy eating.

Children are supported to be brave and try all of the foods on offer.Leaders and managers are ambitious to make improvements. They work closely with the staff to assess what they provide and what the children are learning.

They consult regularly with parents through activities such as questionnaires and activity sessions. They source training that will build their knowledge of how to support children. For example, they are booked onto training on how to plan for children learning English as an additional language.

Although staff teach children how to choose their activities and be independent in their play, they sometimes miss opportunities to support children's independent self-care. For instance, children asking for help to remove dressing-up clothes are not encouraged to try to manage this themselves.Leaders and managers work with local schools and support children's transitions well.

They give children opportunities to practise sitting and listening to stories, to follow instructions and to express their needs. This means that children are well prepared for the next stage in their learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a good understanding of what is needed to keep children safe. They regularly update their safeguarding training. This means that they are clear about the local procedures for reporting any concerns.

Leaders and managers implement robust safeguarding policies and procedures. Regular checks on staff's suitability ensure that they are safe to work with children.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: develop staff's teaching skills further so that they consistently extend children's thinking when they are playing with them develop children's independence skills further by making sure that staff always provide the time and support the children need to learn how to do things for themselves.

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