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About Stars

Name Stars
Address Lingfield Primary School, Buxton Avenue, Marton-in-Cleveland, MIDDLESBROUGH, Cleveland, TS7 8LP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Middlesbrough
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff provide a welcoming, friendly environment for children. Children form good relationships with staff and show they feel happy and safe here.

For instance, they skip into the club and are keen to share their experiences. Staff show interest in the things children talk about and extend conversations, encouraging others to join in. This helps children to build confidence, self-esteem and good social skills.

Staff gently remind children to use good manners and use praise for positive behaviour. Children show kindness towards each other and work together during team games. For example, in the hall, they cheer their team ma...tes on and show good sportsmanship if they do not win.

Staff provide a range of activities for children to enjoy. However, they do not always include children in decision-making and new children struggle to make spontaneous choices. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the manager and staff team worked in partnership with the school to maintain safety for families.

They continue to follow policies and procedures to help parents understand expectations. For example, if a child shows any symptoms they must not attend. Children continue to follow procedures to promote good hygiene and reduce the spread of the virus where possible.

They automatically sanitise and wash their hands when they arrive in the club and again before they leave. Parents leave positive feedback in questionnaires for the club. The manager is working on ways to enhance the relationship between staff and families now restrictions are easing.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children are encouraged by staff to be healthy, independent and confident. For instance, they are offered a light tea consisting of healthy food options. Children thoroughly enjoy preparing this independently and make smiley faces from the fresh fruit.

They demonstrate good understanding of how to use knives safely and enjoy the social aspect of mealtimes. Staff encourage children to try the food on offer and talk to them about the importance of healthy choices.Overall, children enjoy the activities in the club and are keen to take part.

For example, they make rice crispy cakes and enjoy sampling the melted chocolate. Others play children's darts and enjoy more physical games. Staff respond to children's requests during the session and provide resources.

However, new children are less confident to make choices and, on occasion, seem overwhelmed.Children's behaviour is positive and staff are good role models. They recognise when children need further support and sensitively model actions to help them through any difficulty.

Staff encourage children to talk to them if they feel upset or worried. Children discuss anti-bullying week and wear 'odd socks' to show they are participating in this initiative. Older children understand the club rules in regards to mobile phones and leave devices with the manager.

Staff report they feel happy working in the club and morale is high. The manager is supportive and ensures they have access to professional development opportunities to develop their skills. For example, they have all refreshed their first-aid training and their 'safeguarding children' qualification.

The manager regularly holds one-to-one meetings with staff and promotes their emotional well-being.The manager and staff team maintain effective partnerships with teachers in school and share relevant information. For example, they gather information about children's day and pass on messages to parents, such as accident slips.

The manager is enthusiastic to work with teachers to meet children's individual needs. He regularly reflects on the provision and helps staff to reflect on how to make continual improvements, for example to further promote inclusion.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are aware of their responsibilities to keep children safe and protect them from harm. The manager ensures they have access to regular professional development opportunities. This helps staff to maintain and up-to-date knowledge of policies and procedures in relation to child protection.

The manager is aware of further contacts within the local authority and knows how to report incidents swiftly. Recruitment is robust. The manager checks references and ensures all staff have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check before they work with children.

Also at this postcode
Lingfield Primary School

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