Stay And Play

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About Stay And Play

Name Stay And Play
Address Lakeside Primary School, Hatherley Road, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL51 6HR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision does not meet requirements Children's welfare and safety are compromised. The provider, who is also the club manager, does not have a clear understanding of their responsibilities to meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage. Safeguarding policies and procedures are not up to date or in line with the local safeguarding partnership.

The provider and staff do not have a clear enough understanding of how to act and respond to safeguarding concerns. Despite this, children happily arrive at the club and are eager to greet their peers. They sit together for registration and listen for their name to be called.

Children excitedly cho...ose from a wide range of activities on offer. Staff take time to talk to children about their day. Children develop secure relationships with the staff who look after them.

They are proud of their achievements and are keen to show staff the pictures they have created with water colour paints. Children's behaviour is generally good. They respond to staff's instructions and reminders throughout the session.

For example, they line up to wash their hands before snack. Children display patience and the ability to take turns as they play board games at the table. They share their views on the club with visitors.

Children state that they love the club and wish they could come forever.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider does not implement a key-person system to ensure that care is tailored to meet children's individual needs. Although staff offer parents brief feedback about children's experiences at the end of the session, this is not consistent.

Some parents do not receive enough information about the structure of the session, the snacks provided or the activities their children participate in and enjoy.The provider does not have an accurate overview of staff's professional strengths or weaknesses. This is because they do not have appropriate arrangements in place for the supervision of staff who have contact with children and families.

Staff do not receive the necessary coaching to improve their personal effectiveness to positively impact on the experiences of children who attend.The provider recognises areas of weakness. She is keen to put measures in place to improve the service offered to children and their families.

For example, she explains that she will introduce a whiteboard containing information about the club and activities on offer, so parents can read this while waiting to collect their child. The provider also explains that she will look into having a monthly piece in the school's newsletter to improve communication with parents.The provider maintains good links with the host school.

Most of the club's staff also have roles in the school as teaching assistants and lunch cover, so have further opportunities to develop good relationships with not only the children, but teachers and school staff too. Staff use this information to make sure children's interests are met, and that they settle and feel secure during their time at the club.Staff consider the needs of all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, when planning play activities and organising the club's environment.

They consider the requirements of children with allergies when planning the snacks and drinks they provide.Staff effectively support children to make independent choices in their play. Although staff provide a wide range of inviting activities, such as arts and crafts, table top games and role play, they encourage children to share their ideas and access further resources that are required to lead their play.

Children are supported by staff to access the resource cupboard to collect further items they wish to play with.Staff have appropriate expectations for children's behaviour. Children are kind and considerate of their younger peers.

They form warm relationships and play cooperatively together. Children are confident in their interactions with each other and display high levels of self-esteem as they talk proudly of their achievements. For example, children proudly tell visitors how an older peer won an award at the local literature festival.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.Staff do not have a good enough knowledge of how to keep children safe. Although some staff attend safeguarding training, others do not.

The provider does not monitor staff's knowledge and understanding of safeguarding practice to ensure they are all able to recognise and respond appropriately to any concerns regarding children's welfare. The provider's knowledge of local safeguarding practice is weak. She does not understand the procedures to follow should an allegation be made against a member of staff.

That said, the premises are secure. This means that unauthorised visitors cannot access the site and children are not able to leave unaccompanied.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date ensure safeguarding policies and procedures are up to date and in line with the local safeguarding partnership, in particular with regard to the management of allegations 26/10/2023 ensure all staff have a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of safeguarding practice and know the procedures to follow should they need to report a concern 26/10/2023 implement an effective key-person system to ensure that care is tailored to meet children's individual needs and information about children's experiences is consistently shared with parents 09/11/2023 implement effective supervision procedures to identify training opportunities that positively impact on daily practice.


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