Stoneygate Nursery School

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About Stoneygate Nursery School

Name Stoneygate Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Stoneygate Walk, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 3XU
Phase Nursery
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 67
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The headteacher's self-evaluation of the school is honest, accurate and insightful. Since the previous inspection, children's outcomes have declined. Working with her new senior leadership team, the headteacher is turning the fortunes of the school around.

The two new senior leaders are making a positive contribution to improving outcomes for all children at the school. Their leadership roles are currently being defined. Good teaching fosters children's love of learning.

There are many worthwhile activities across all areas of the early years curriculum which capture children's imagination and curiosity, particularly outdoors. From their ...different starting points, the children, including those who are disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make good progress. However, outcomes in reading and writing are not quite as strong as in other areas of learning.

Children are safe. Overall, standards of behaviour are impeccable. Children's joy at being at Stoneygate is evident from the moment that they walk through the door with happy, smiley faces.

The level of support offered to vulnerable families is exceptional. Staff know their children and families very well. The use of high-quality questioning is not consistent across the school.

On occasions, some staff do not develop and extend children's language skills. Governors know the school well. They hold leaders to account for many aspects of the school's work.

The headteacher and deputy headteacher monitor the quality of teaching across the school closely. However, the feedback given to staff after observations of their teaching, at times lacks detail with regard to the progress that different groups of children are making. Parents and carers hold the school in the highest regard.

Many were queuing up to speak to the inspector as they brought their children to school at the start of the day. There is currently strong capacity from leaders to move the school to a higher level, and an enthusiasm to do so.

Information about this school

This is an average-sized nursery school.

Children start at the school at various times throughout the year. They attend part-time, for morning or afternoon sessions, or for two-and-a-half days per week. A significant proportion of children are from minority ethnic backgrounds and many speak English as an additional language.

A total of eight different languages are spoken across the school. The proportion of children with SEND is broadly in line with the national average. The proportion of disadvantaged children is above the national average In 2012, the school became federated with Appletree Nursery School.

Both schools are led by one headteacher. Each school has its own governing body. This is coordinated by an overarching collaboration committee formed of members from both governing bodies.

There have been a number of staff changes since the last inspection. A new deputy headteacher and special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) have been appointed within the last year. A new chair of governors has been appointed since the last inspection.


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