Sunny Smiles Day Nursery

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About Sunny Smiles Day Nursery

Name Sunny Smiles Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 45 Hawthorn Road, Oldham, Lancashire, OL8 3QF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Oldham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy, confident and settled.

They show strong bonds with their peers and the staff team. Key workers know children well. They skilfully identify how to adapt teaching and approaches to meet the individual needs of every child.

This means children are engaged and captivated when joining in activities. Children are kind. They are polite and show respect to others.

Babies clap for one another when they do something successfully, cheering out loud. Toddlers begin to wait, watching intently as their peers finish painting and double checking they are 'all done' before sitting for their own turn. Pre-sc...hool children show their curiosity, asking the inspector lots of interesting questions as they embrace the presence of a visitor.

They feel secure here.The manager and the staff team are aware that children have missed out on some experiences, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They are passionate about providing new, exciting opportunities for children to learn about the world around them.

For example, children are amazed to study real molluscs. They use magnifying glasses to stare as the tiny creatures move and breathe. For some children, who have never been to a beach, this is a new, enriching experience.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children's personal development is well supported at this setting. Children of all ages learn skills that help them to become independent. Babies feed themselves successfully, toddlers know when they should wash their hands and pre-school children pour their own drinks and follow complex instructions.

The manager is committed to helping children feel prepared for upcoming transitions within the nursery. Staff thoughtfully consider the differences in routines and practice within the different rooms and help ready children for this. For instance, babies begin to practise sleeping on beds like their older peers.

This helps children to feel secure when they change environments.Parents value the nursery. They commend the 'friendly and welcoming' staff team and manager.

They consider their children to have 'flourished'. Parents feel involved with their children's learning goals and particularly appreciate the open communicate style the manager adopts.The manager is a driving force for change.

She has made considerable positive changes to the nursery in her short time in position. She expects high standards of care and education for every child. She evaluates and supports her staff team to access training and reinforce their strengths.

However, the manager is still learning within her role. She does not effectively implement all policies and procedures. For instance, she does not regularly check nursery devices nor does she promptly follow all of her own guidelines when offering opportunities to volunteers.

Importantly, this does not have a significant impact on children.Staff share that they feel appreciated, supported and valued in their roles. They feel happy to come to work every day.

Children benefit from this as the enthusiastic team plan and deliver exciting, curiosity provoking activities. Children are confident learners. All children make good progress at this nursery, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Children's communication and language skills are well supported. Staff are aware that some children need additional support with their language skills after the COVID-19 pandemic. Staff use exciting intonation and props to entice children to get involved with stories and song times.

They aspire to instil a love of reading in every child. This effort shows as children readily access book independently across the nursery.Mealtimes are a social occasion which children relish.

They talk animatedly with their peers and enjoy trying different, nutritious foods. Children take turns to eat their lunch in the kitchen. This helps children to learn about how food is prepared and cooked first hand.

However, risk assessments in place are not strong enough. The main section of the kitchen is blocked with a bin rather than a safety gate. The manager is aware of this and has plans in place to strengthen the current safety measures.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The designated safeguarding lead has a sound understanding of her roles and responsibilities. She takes her position seriously, she regularly updates her knowledge and stays abreast of safeguarding needs in the area.

This helps her to be able to respond quickly and effectively should concerns arise about a child. Staff are able to confidently identify key signs and symptoms, which may indicate a child is being abused. The manager and her staff team recognise the steps they must take should they have concerns about any person working with children.

The nursery is risk assessed daily. However, some aspects of risk assessment need to be strengthened, particularly with regards to mealtimes.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen risk assessment procedures to ensure any potential hazards are swiftly identified and rectified to help keep children safe nimplement policies and procedures consistently to help ensure consistency, particularly with regards to the recruitment of volunteers and the safe use of technology.

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