Sunshine Community Nursery

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About Sunshine Community Nursery

Name Sunshine Community Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Shine, Harehills Road, Leeds, Yorkshire, LS8 5HS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children thrive in this rich and inspiring provision.

They benefit from high-quality learning. Staff use their knowledge and experience to provide a stimulating and challenging curriculum. Babies spend long periods of time exploring textures and sensory materials.

They show eagerness and curiosity as they look for toy animals hidden under cereal. Staff understand what children need to learn next and observe them with skill. Children acquire new knowledge and build on what they already know and can do.

Children develop a strong sense of right and wrong. They consistently display excellent behaviour due t...o well-established boundaries and carefully structured routines. Children celebrate each other's achievements with a 'high five' and pats on the back.

All children respect and value each other, as they cooperate and negotiate as they play. There is a very strong focus on friendship and kindness. For example, children are encouraged to serve each other food and pull out chairs for their friends to sit on.

Managers are sensitive to the impact that COVID-19 (coronavirus) may have had on the children and their families, and on staff. Staff engaged in consistent communication with children and their families throughout COVID-19 restrictions. For instance, they held regular telephone calls and sent activity packs to children to support their learning at home.

Managers offer flexible and sensitive support to staff as they return to work.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Many of the staff are multilingual. They support children's home language, as well as English, exceptionally well.

Staff repeat rhymes, use key words and repeat both languages to help children to settle quickly. Children engage with attentive staff and friendship groups throughout the day. This helps to boost children's confidence and supports their communication skills.

During story time, staff are highly successful in creating anticipation. They introduce animated voices for each of the characters to bring the story to life.Staff are exceptional role models, and children behave extremely well for their ages.

The very youngest children willingly show patience and wait their turn. Older children confidently remind each other of the rules and treat one another with respect. Children think about how others might feel and how they can help.

Staff plan relevant activities to help children learn about healthy lifestyles. Children take part in regular cooking activities with the nursery chef. These activities focus on healthy recipes.

Children take part in yoga sessions and learn about the physical effect of exercise on their bodies. During meals, children learn that eating a balanced diet and nutritious food helps them grow. They identify that calcium is in milk and understand it is good for healthy bones and teeth.

Staff plan a curriculum to give children excellent opportunities to develop their speech and language skills. For example, children learn new words, such as 'harvest and 'ripen', when watering tomato plants. Staff ask children questions that encourage detailed replies.

This helps extend their thinking and vocabulary further.Parents are very complimentary about the nursery. They stress how confident they feel when leaving their children.

Staff closely consult with parents about their children's experiences at home. Staff incorporate these in their planning to inspire children to learn. Parents know what staff are working on to support their child's development.

They receive exceptional support and guidance from staff. This includes high levels of support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Parents say that they 'would not choose anywhere else'.

The management team are exceptionally committed. Staff benefit from a wealth of training opportunities and share what they have learned with each other. Supervision sessions are targeted and used effectively to support the needs of individual staff.

All staff agree that they receive high-quality investment from the management team. This ensures high levels of staff motivation and well-being.Funding for eligible children is very well targeted.

Managers work closely with parents. They agree on how the funding should be used to help make the biggest impact on children's learning. Children benefit from the manager's and staff's commitment to establishing effective working relationships with external professionals and local schools.

As a result, transition to other settings, including school, is seamless.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Safeguarding and children's well-being are a top priority for everyone at this nursery.

There is a strong culture of safeguarding. Staff receive rigorous safeguarding training. They discuss safeguarding updates during monthly meetings.

Managers test their knowledge through regular quizzes. Staff confidently identify possible indicators of abuse and understand about the 'Prevent' duty. They are knowledgeable about topics, such as witchcraft, internet safety and county lines.

Robust recruitment procedures ensure only those suitable to work with children do so. Children have rich opportunities to learn how to keep themselves safe. For example, they help staff complete highly effective risk assessments of play areas outside.

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