Super Camps At Glenesk School

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About Super Camps At Glenesk School

Name Super Camps At Glenesk School
Address Glenesk House Preparatory School, Ockham Road North, West Horsley, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT24 6NS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children happily enter into the camp for their busy day ahead. They are safe and secure and staff are good role models, who involve children in risk assessments throughout the day.

For instance, they are reminded of what areas to use and how to follow the rules in place to prevent injuries. This helps children to learn to take care of themselves and others around them. Children are confident and independent.

They enjoy making their own choices at the camp to continue to build on their interests and abilities. Children are engaged and motivated in their play. Staff take time to gather children's own opinions and suggestions... for activities and experiences.

This helps children to feel valued and respected. Children display their understanding of making healthy choices and in managing their own self-care skills. For instance, younger children enjoy telling each other how pepper sticks are good for them to eat at snack time.

Older children discuss how drinking water keeps them hydrated and the importance of wearing a hat in the sun. This helps to support children's abilities and skills for the future. Children have lots of opportunities to build on their physical development and have access to fresh air.

Younger children use wheeled toys as they negotiate the space using their increasing balance skills. Older children work together to find natural items in a treasure hunt.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The leadership team have worked well towards the actions set at the last inspection.

For example, they are now more reflective in how they evaluate the safeguarding knowledge and understanding of team members. Staff have regular supervisions to help them to continually identify and strengthen areas of their practice. This remains an area of importance for review and adaption for the camp team.

Children are engaged and motivated in planned activities and resources provided for them at the holiday camp. For instance, younger children use magnets to try on different areas to help them to problem solve as they find metal surfaces. Older children use their impressive imaginative skills as they create a torch from coloured bricks with a battery compartment.

Staff encourage children to develop a positive attitude to their play and praise children for trying things by themselves. This helps children to develop high levels of self-esteem in their own abilities.The professional development of the team and how they access training is well thought out.

This enables staff to access a range of relevant information before starting at the camp as well as courses throughout the holiday terms to keep their knowledge current and up to date.Partnerships with parents are good with every effort being made by the leadership team to gather important information when children first start at the camp. This helps children to settle quickly and for expectations of the camp to be shared.

Parents comment that they are very happy with the way the holiday camp operates, the experiences their children have each day and how the team are friendly and approachable. Many parents and children return to the camp over the different holiday periods throughout the year.Children enjoy interactive story times to help them to build a love of books and continue to support their communication and language skills.

Younger children listen intently to a story at circle time and this also helps to develop their social skills and interactions as they recall information. Older children immerse themselves into the story of the week as they turn into 'super heroes' and create habitats outside for characters from the stories. Staff help to build a sense of suspense and drama in the role play through their impressive skills.

As such, children are enthralled and invested as they take part in activities.Staff are enthusiastic about their role within the club and in helping children to have the best experiences. Children are happy and are given responsibilities to help them to build up resilience to work together.

For example, children gain 'colour points' for kind deeds and using club rules. This helps them to start to learn about the differences and similarities in themselves and others and to develop higher levels of empathy and caring.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a secure understanding of how to protect the children in their care. They are confident about how they would identify potential signs and symptoms of abuse and the procedures they would use to report concerns. This helps to protect the welfare of children.

Staff use thorough risk assessments to help keep children safe when at the holiday camp. The leadership team follow effective recruitment procedures and regular checks to ensure staff working with children are suitable. Ongoing training supports staff to have the most up-to-date knowledge of additional issues, such as county lines and the 'Prevent' duty.

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