Super Camps at Godolphin School

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About Super Camps at Godolphin School

Name Super Camps at Godolphin School
Address Godolphin School, Milford Hill, SALISBURY, SP1 2RA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the camp and are welcomed by enthusiastic, caring staff. They eagerly join in group games at the start of the day, such as 'guess that tune', which helps them get to know their new friends.

Once all children have arrived, they listen very well to the manager's plan for the day. He reminds them of safety aspects, such as being nut free, that no mobile phones are allowed and what to do if the fire alarm sounds. Children enthusiastically interact by calling out expectations and rules when prompted.

They remind each other they must stay hydrated, tell a grown up when they need to use the bathroom, and be kin...d to others.The management and staff have an excellent knowledge of the children in their care. They establish very close bonds with them from the start.

Children in the early years complete an 'All About Me' document before attending the camp. This provides staff with the knowledge to support children's well-being and development. Staff plan each session based on the children who are due to attend.

Children confidently make independent choices about what they would like to play with. As a result, children remain engaged and curious in their play.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The passionate and inspiring management team are excellent role models.

They have a clear vision and are actively involved in the camp sessions. The managers interact well with the children and observe and evaluate the effectiveness of the staff's practice. They swiftly make improvements as soon as they recognise areas of development.

This ensures the camp is operating at a high standard and children's needs are constantly met.Children are sociable and confident. They form good relationships with the staff and happily speak to visitors.

Children share positive comments, such as what activities they enjoy taking part in. They also share that they like the members of staff, who are fun and caring. This supports children in feeling secure and to settle quickly.

Children's behaviour is excellent. Older children support younger friends to join in with their play and remind them of the rules. Children value each other's views, such as what they think is lighter when they blow air through a straw to move objects.

They respect each other as they look for hidden 'mini dinosaurs' in the playground. Children respectfully share what they have found when a friend cannot find one, so they do not feel left out.Children have plenty of opportunities to be physically active and access fresh air.

They start their day with a 'wake and shake' workout and learn about the effects it has on their bodies. Children enjoy regular swimming sessions and team games. They independently explore the secure outside environments.

Children excitedly stomp or move slowly around their environments like different dinosaurs. They show enthusiasm when learning different break dancing movements with the regional manager. Children have a real positive attitude to try new things and persevere at them.

Children learn resilience and how to acknowledge other's achievements. The camp promotes a 'reward point scheme', where children gain points for their team, and 'super camp star of the day' for individuals. Children show a sense of pride and achievement when they receive points.

They happily clap for children who win games, such as splat or musical statues. As a result, children develop skills which will support them in later life.Parents speak highly of the provision at the holiday camp.

They state that their children are enthusiastic to attend and 'cannot wait to go again' at the end of the session. Parents rate the staff highly and describe them as warm, friendly, and fun. They share that they go 'above and beyond' to ensure children have 'the best day ever'.

Parents state that they have several methods to communicate with staff. They appreciate the 'All About Me' and 'passports of learning' the staff share with them. Parents comment that they would not hesitate to recommend the camp to other parents.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Managers and staff ensure that children's safety is a priority. They have a secure knowledge of child protection issues.

Staff are confident in how to identify and report any concerns about children to keep them safe. This includes the 'Prevent' duty, domestic abuse and keeping children safe online. They ensure that only known adults collect children.

There are robust recruitment processes in place and ongoing checks are completed to ensure the suitability of staff. Staff are vigilant in their supervision of children in this secure setting. They carry out regular risk assessments and make sure the camp is safe and well maintained.

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