Super Camps at North Bridge House Senior School

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About Super Camps at North Bridge House Senior School

Name Super Camps at North Bridge House Senior School
Address North Bridge House Senior School, 65 Rosslyn Hill, London, NW3 5UD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Camden
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children and their parents are greeted with a smile and a warm welcome from staff when they arrive. Staff make sure relevant information about children is shared by parents during the drop off. They take account of this when settling the children and planning their day ahead.

Children confidently join their friends, immediately selecting an activity that interests them from the wide range on offer. Staff are attentive and caring. They make sure all children are always involved in purposeful activity and play.

Behaviour is very good. All children listen to and follow instructions well. Staff reinforce behaviour expectations... at the beginning of every day and remind children of the routines.

They talk to children about what they must do if they are having issues with their friends, encouraging them to talk to staff who will help them. This makes children feel secure and positively supports their emotional well-being. Staff teach children how to keep themselves safe.

For example, they discuss fire-drill procedures with them, remind them what they are allowed to play with outside and how to safely use the bouncy castle. Most children are confident and independent. They are able to manage their own self-care needs with little or no support from staff.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Managers take their roles and responsibilities very seriously. They understand the strengths and development areas of the setting. They seek feedback from staff, parents and children to support their ongoing evaluations and improvements.

Managers understand the importance of continual staff development. Regular training improves staff's knowledge and skills. New members take part in a comprehensive induction programme, helping them become familiar with the policies and procedures at the setting.

Parents, including those new to the setting, speak highly of the staff and the provision. They describe how their children come home and tell them about all the exciting activities they have done during the day. They highlight the safety of the building and communication as particular strengths.

Staff make sure they find out as much information as they can about children before they start. Parents complete 'all about me' questionnaires, providing information about their children's interests and health needs. This ensures care is tailored to each child and helps staff plan activities they know the children will enjoy.

Children are confident when communicating with staff and are able to express their needs easily. They enjoy chatting with their friends at snack time, discussing what they did at home the night before and the activities they are looking forward to. Staff skilfully question them, generating further conversation and encouraging them to express their ideas.

Children have many opportunities to practise their physical skills and learn how to lead a healthy lifestyle. They enjoy playing table tennis, running and playing games in the large outside space and bouncing on the bouncy castle. Staff request that parents provide healthy snacks and a nutritious packed lunch for their children.

Generally staff understand how to support children's personal, social and emotional development well. They are nurturing, kind and go out of their way to make sure children feel comfortable. However, some staff do not always recognise the needs of less confident children.

They do not fully support their social skills by helping them join in with group activities and play with other children.Children have good personal skills. They always share resources and take turns when playing.

They use good manners and show consideration for others. They are taught to look after the learning environment, tidying away toys and equipment when they have finished using them.Children talk about how much they enjoy the wide range of creative activities.

They have lots of opportunities to draw, paint, collage and make models. Managers highlight the importance of these experiences as they enhance children's learning.The setting is inclusive and meets the needs of all the children who attend, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Activities are differentiated to take account of the different ages of the children. This ensures that all children have full access to the provision.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Managers and staff have regular safeguarding training, including how to identify and respond to concerns relating to children at possible risk of radicalisation and extremist behaviours. They know what to be aware of and the procedures to follow should they have concerns that a child may be at risk from harm. All staff know the whistle-blowing procedures.

Staff provide good supervision and keep children safe in all areas of the provision. Recruitment, vetting and ongoing suitability checks are robust to make sure that all staff are suitable to work with children. Staff carry out regular risk assessments and remove any hazards they identify.

Also at this postcode
North Bridge House Senior Hampstead

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