Super Star Sport Berks Childcare - Ryvers School

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About Super Star Sport Berks Childcare - Ryvers School

Name Super Star Sport Berks Childcare - Ryvers School
Address Ryvers School, Trelawney Avenue, Slough, SL3 7TS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Slough
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff welcome children and their families individually and use large-group activities to help children get to know each other and the staff.

For instance, they ask children to hold and pass a ball as they introduce themselves to the group and tell others what they like doing outside of the club. Children quickly settle and are happy and motivated to join in the activities. Staff skilfully lead group games.

Their positive interaction and communication makes children smile with enjoyment.Staff have high expectations and are positive role models for the children. They show respect as they speak and listen to the children and ...each other.

Children behave well and display good manners. Staff encourage children to remember and talk about the rules of the club. They explain about having fun and that children can ask them for help at any time.

Children confidently talk about the rules they have already learned, including those related to keeping safe. Staff provide a well-organised programme of activities that help children gain physical skills, such as games of 'Tag'. They adapt activities according to children's age and interests.

Children enjoy games of football, volleyball, table tennis and rounders. Staff respond to children's choices and incorporate their ideas before and during activities.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff provide a wide range of sports activities that successfully motivate children to take part.

They clearly explain to children the aims for activities. Children enthusiastically shout 'lets go' as they play games of dodgeball. They energetically throw and catch sponge balls and try hard to be the winner.

They talk confidently about past activities they have enjoyed. For instance, they explain that they used clay and gold paint to make football trophies in relation to women's football.Staff focus strongly on children's care.

They encourage children to have regular drinks of water, particularly during physically active games. The manager works well in partnership with the local authority to obtain funding for a holiday activity food programme. This is used successfully to support some families and ensure children's welfare.

Children who are eligible for the funding attend for most of each session. They are provided with a nutritious hot meal, which supports their good health.The manager coaches and supports staff well.

He works closely with staff to continually improve the wide range of sports activities available to the children. As a result, parents and carers say that their children are keen to attend the club and develop the confidence to make new friends.Staff are positive role models.

They communicate with children politely and successfully gain their cooperation. They remind children to listen and focus their attention during all activities. Staff regularly praise children for their achievements, for instance during games of 'number football'.

When children occasionally get overexcited, staff quickly intervene and support them to refocus. Each week, they encourage children to vote for which of their friends should receive a certificate from the staff for something they have done well.Staff support children to gain the skills they need for the future.

For instance, they encourage them to talk with their friends, negotiate and make decisions about who is going to take on a particular role during activities. Children develop the confidence to talk with others and build on their social skills and independence.Staff provide routines to support children's personal development.

They supervise children well and encourage them to do as much as possible for themselves. This includes setting up and packing away games, personal hygiene tasks, and finding and refilling their water bottles.Staff work well in partnership with parents.

When parents bring children to the setting, staff obtain information about children's individual needs before they start each day. The setting is partnered with a charitable organisation who focus on reducing food waste. They deliver food to the club, which staff give to parents to take home.

This includes food and recipes for parents to use at home to cook meals with their children. This helps to support children's good health and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Since registration, the manager has developed his understanding of child protection. He shares this knowledge with all staff and fully understands his role and responsibility to keep children safe. All staff complete child protection training.

Together with staff, the manager regularly reviews and discusses safeguarding to ensure they all keep their knowledge up to date. All staff know what to do if they are concerned about a child's welfare and safety. At the start of each day, staff talk with children about the camp rules and make sure they know who they can speak to if they have any concerns.

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