Superstars Activity Club Quorn

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About Superstars Activity Club Quorn

Name Superstars Activity Club Quorn
Address St. Bartholomews Primary School, Willowcroft, Quorn, LOUGHBOROUGH, Leicestershire, LE12 8HQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Leicestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision does not meet requirements Staff and leaders do not take timely and appropriate action to keep children safe. Despite having the correct knowledge and understanding of the signs and symptoms of abuse, they do not share any concerns they may have about children with the right agencies. This means that children's safety is not fully assured.

Nevertheless, children enjoy their time at the club. Children are happy, settled and build positive relationships with staff and other children. When children arrive at the club they confidently find a place to put their belongings.

Staff carefully choose activities for the children to play with and make t...hese available as children arrive. Children play with their friends and explore the resources helping each other and taking turns. Staff support children's interests by helping them to find out new information.

For example, staff help children to research the colours in a rainbow and carefully select materials to help children with their craft work. Staff implement routines and children follow these with ease and understand staff's expectations. They can tell their friends and visitors the club rules including being kind and looking after the resources.

When children are struggling with managing their feelings, staff distract them by focusing on a new activity. Children benefit from this support and feel reassured. Children interact and talk with visitors, telling them that they enjoy playing with the football table at their club.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff talk with teachers about the child's day when they arrive at the club. However, leaders and managers do not build on partnerships with the host school to promote a consistent approach to exchanging information to fully protect children's welfare. There is not an effective and consistent arrangement for a two-way exchange of information with relevant professionals.

Although staff are able to demonstrate an appropriate knowledge of the indicators which may suggest a child is at risk of harm, there are gaps in staff's knowledge about when to report concerns about children. For example, staff and leaders do not make timely referrals to the local safeguarding partnership when they have concerns about children's welfare. This causes potential delays in children receiving any necessary intervention to keep them safe and promote their well-being.

Parents report that their children enjoy their time at the club. They appreciate the experiences that the staff provide for their children and say this helps children to socialise. They feel informed as they receive feedback about their child's day.

Staff find out children's interests and ensure children are involved in choosing activities they enjoy. Some children prefer to be physically active and enjoy the large space that the club offers. Staff provide activities such as table tennis, air hockey and table football to meet the children's needs.

Children enjoy being energetic and competing with their friends. Staff remind children how to use the equipment carefully and children listen and respond well.Staff support and guide children during their play.

They help them to keep trying if they find something tricky. For example, when making bracelets they suggest different ways to attach small parts. Children keep on trying and are delighted when they succeed.

Staff promote positive behaviour. They provide opportunities for children to learn and follow the club rules. Children discuss the rules and what they mean at the beginning of the session.

They listen carefully as a member of staff records their attendance, and they understand the importance of the register. Children are polite and well behaved. They wait patiently for their friends to be ready so that they can eat their snack together.

Staff are good role models and encourage children to use their manners.Staff promote a healthy lifestyle. They provide healthy food and fresh drinking water for the children.

Children follow hygiene practices that staff have implemented to ensure that their hands are clean before they eat.The manager has frequent supportive meetings with the staff. They regularly discuss children's interests and how to meet their needs.

Staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They liaise with parents and ensure that all children are included and can access the activities.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.

There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

The provision is not meeting requirements and Ofsted intends to take enforcement action.

We will issue a Welfare Requirements Notice requiring the provider to: Due date ensure that there is an effective two-way exchange of information with other settings that children attend 01/03/2024 ensure all safeguarding concerns are referred to relevant agencies in a timely and appropriate way.


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Rawlins Under 5’s Playgroup St Bartholomew’s Church of England Primary School

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