Talbot Park Nursery

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About Talbot Park Nursery

Name Talbot Park Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 32 Talbot Road, Bournemouth, BH9 2JF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bournemouth,ChristchurchandPoole
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children gain a strong sense of belonging in this welcoming nursery. Staff warmly greet the children and their families and share any relevant information.

Staff support children to independently find their name to self-register and hang up their belongings before starting their day. New children are particularly well supported, and staff work closely with the parents to help them to settle. Key persons know their children very well and offer reassurance and support as needed to children and their parents.

Staff plan an ambitious curriculum to meet children's individual needs. They place a high emphasis on the prime ar...eas of learning to ensure that children have a secure foundation to build on. For example, staff build positive relationships with the children and give them confidence with their speech and language development.

The skilled special educational needs coordinator is proactive in making sure children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are particularly well supported. They work closely with other professionals to help children to achieve their goals. All children make good progress in their learning and are confident to freely move around the well-resourced environment.

Staff promote an enabling environment where children are confident to try new things. Staff consistently promote the boundaries and expectations to enable all children to understand how to behave appropriately, taking into account the needs of others. Consequently, children behave well.

They show consideration to others as they share and take turns.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The strong management team is very committed to making sure that staff have all the skills they need to deliver an effective curriculum. They value their staff, and staff report that management are particularly good at supporting their well-being.

Management has signed up to an national scheme to help to support coaching and mentoring. They receive regular visits that help them to critically evaluate the provision and make improvements. This enables them to continue to make improvements in their provision to ensure the best outcomes for children.

Staff are positive role models and support children to learn to respect and value others. Children spontaneously help each other. For example, they help others to find their coats, and help them to put them on when going outside.

They invite other children to join in their play. Staff use 'The Colour Monster' book and cuddly toys to reinforce different emotions. Children enjoy identifying the different colours and emotions.

Staff make good use of the outdoor environment. Children learn about nature through watching the birds using the birdhouse and rearing their chicks. Children develop their physical skills as they climb on the pirate ship, balance on steps and play running games.

They enjoy building structures with pieces of guttering and wood and seeing how quickly the balls move around the different parts.Staff know the children well and target activities to support their progress in all areas. For example, a member of staff worked with two children comparing and grouping bears.

Children enjoyed hiding the bears in the sand, finding the same colours, and grouping them in different sizes, helping their early mathematical skills. Other staff support children in making models with bricks and the children talk about what they are building, developing their communication and language skills. Staff enthusiastically engage with children in the garden.

The children enjoy counting their steps as they move forward and then run back to the start. Children shriek with excitement.Staff help children to learn nursery routines, such as story time, washing their hands prior to lunchtime, and circle time.

Occasionally, staff do not fully consider how they organise groups of children. For example, while their friends are washing their hands or staff are getting prepared for the next session, some children become bored as they are waiting for a long time.Partnerships with parents are good.

Staff build strong relationships with parents and share information about what their children are learning and how parents can support them at home. Parents report that their children are making good progress, particularly with their speech and socialising with other children. They state that staff communicate well with them, and they particularly like the online app as they can see what their children are doing throughout the day.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Management and staff have a very good understanding of safeguarding and there are effective procedures in place to ensure that any concerns with a child's welfare are correctly actioned. Management has good procedures in place to ensure that staff regularly update their knowledge in all areas of safeguarding.

Staff support children in learning how to keep themselves safe when using equipment. There are good recruitment and vetting procedures to make sure that staff are suitable for their role and responsibility.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: norganise the daily routines more effectively to make sure that children are not waiting too long during transition times.

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