Tall Trees Day Nursery

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About Tall Trees Day Nursery

Name Tall Trees Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 14 West Road, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7JT
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy entering the nursery and when parents pass them to staff at the front door, due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic restrictions, they are not phased.

Children have built strong bonds with staff and close friendships with each other. They play confidently alongside other children and staff, leading their own play and exploring using their imagination.Children enjoy listening to music and expressing themselves through this.

For example, they join in with action songs and move their bodies to the music. Babies are confident in their room base and are happy to share instruments and toys with new adul...ts. Older children enjoy exploring, using their physical skills, coordination and imagination outside in the newly refurbished garden.

They confidently climb up the steps or the slope of the wooden climbing frame and go down the slide. Those that need support are happy to seek this from the attentive staff nearby.Children enjoy the opportunities they have to mix with the children from the other rooms at times.

For example, when numbers are low, outside in the garden or if they have siblings at the setting. Older children enjoy helping the younger children to construct towers, create with paper and paint, and to model how to use equipment outside. Children take turns, share well for their ages and know what behaviour staff expect of them.

They behave well.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children enjoy stories and staff use these activities to encourage them to recall past experiences and to build on their communication skills. Children confidently share the types of animals they have seen at a farm and the sounds they make.

Staff help children to learn about the wider world and nature during activities. They encourage children and their families to share what is unique about themselves.The provider/manager has high expectations of the staff and the quality of provision she is striving to provide.

She has put measures in place to address the previous actions raised. There is a named deputy who has had an induction into her role. All staff have completed a review of their induction and refreshed their understanding of safeguarding.

Staff support children's language and communication skills well. They use good eye contact to engage children and repeat words clearly back to them. For example, staff working with the youngest children share the names of the toys they select and encourage them to try to say what these are.

Staff working with the older children talk to them about what they enjoy, such as climbing, and extend on their vocabulary.Parents state that their children are really happy coming to the nursery. They are pleased with the way staff clearly share what their children have eaten, how they have been or how long they have slept.

Parents appreciate the verbal and online communication they receive from management and staff. They state that although they cannot enter the nursery currently, they are kept informed about what their children are learning and the progress they are making.Children who have emerging or identified special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well.

The special educational needs and disabilities lead practitioner works closely with other agencies, parents and staff. This helps ensure that children receive the support they need to make the best progress possible given their individual needs.At times, children in the toddler and pre-school rooms join together to ensure that the staffing qualification ratios, as well as the staff-to-child ratios, are maintained.

Recently there have been changes to the staff in each room, and new staff are due to start soon. Management has some processes in place to monitor staff's practice and identify where to focus professional development. However, this is not yet fully embedded to enable management to consistently assess and evaluate staff knowledge and promote further improvements.

At times, staff over direct some adult-led activities. For example, during outside play, staff ask all the children to join in with an assault course and state how they should use the equipment, even though the children are happily engaged climbing the climbing frame and pushing dolls in pushchairs. In addition, staff add children's initials to their paper and mix the paints even though the children are capable of doing this themselves.

This does not provide children with sufficient challenge.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider demonstrates they understand their role as designated safeguarding lead (DSL).

Those with DSL responsibility for the nursery attend relevant training to keep their knowledge up to date. Staff have an understanding of the nursery's safeguarding policy and know where to seek further information. They know what to do if they have concerns about the welfare of a child and how to report safeguarding concerns to relevant agencies.

Staff are vigilant about potential risks and swiftly address these. Children receive clear instructions on how to use equipment safely, and staff supervise them closely.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: develop further ways to monitor staff's understanding of processes and procedures, to identify if they are confident, have an up-to-date knowledge and to inform their ongoing professional development develop further the planning of adult-led activities to enable children to have more opportunities for experimentation, exploration and challenge during these.

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