Teddy Bear School House Nursery

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About Teddy Bear School House Nursery

Name Teddy Bear School House Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 51 Mayola Road, Clapton, London, E5 0RE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hackney
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Staff build strong relationships with children and are very welcoming. This helps children to arrive at the nursery happy. Children are eager to see their friends and nursery staff.

They settle quickly and show that they feel safe and comfortable in their surroundings.Leaders and staff know what it is that they want children to learn. They design an ambitious curriculum to ensure that the environment in which children play supports their interest and individual needs.

Overall, staff assess and know children's next steps and learning needs. Older children are fully immersed in activities of their interest, such as paint...ing space rockets. They learn about planet Earth, and staff put plans in place to help children extend their knowledge further.

Staff working with the youngest children support their exploration and mobility well. Babies and young toddlers enjoy exploring sensory materials. They are encouraged to independently cruise around the room to further strengthen their new skills, such as walking.

Staff are good role models for children. They make sure that children know and understand what is expected of them. Children follow staff's expectations, such as when learning to share toys and resources during play.

Children behave well. With support from caring staff, they begin to understand their feelings and emotions.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Pre-school children engage well in the activities provided, such as building with blocks.

They demonstrate their understanding of group play as they share space and resources successfully. They develop their confidence to speak in a small group as they contribute to discussions about their favourite things to do in the nursery. However, on occasion, staff who work with the youngest children do not take into consideration children's age and abilities when planning and delivering adult-led activities.

For example, they introduce concepts that are too difficult for babies to understand and learn. This means that the implementation of the curriculum is not always well sequenced and, on occasion, children's learning is not maximised.Overall, staff support children's communication and language skills well.

They sit alongside children to read and retell stories and sing familiar songs. Older children learn new words, such as 'astronaut'. However, occasionally, staff who are less confident do not make the best use of their interactions with children to extend their developing communication skills as much as possible.

Children's physical skills are supported well. They have a range of opportunities to run about in the garden, play with hoops and practise catching and throwing balls. This helps to develop children's larger muscles.

Children develop their smaller hand muscles during play dough and painting activities. This prepares them well for the next stage of their learning.Staff promote children's healthy lifestyles.

For example, they teach children that eating fruits and vegetables is very good for their bodies. Children demonstrate good handwashing and self-care skills. Younger children learn to feed themselves from a young age, with staff close by to support them when needed.

Older children serve themselves food and eat independently.Staff manage children's behaviour effectively. They encourage children to take responsibility for their learning environment.

Children show cooperation as they help one another to tidy away the toys. Children are well mannered and say 'please' and 'thank you' when appropriate. Staff make sure that children's self-esteem and confidence grow.

They praise children for their achievements and good behaviour.Staff form a proud and dedicated team. They speak about their long-lasting commitment to the nursery.

Staff and leaders comment on their strong partnerships with local schools and its positive impact on children's transitions. Children speak with great enthusiasm about weekly visits to the nearby school for forest school sessions.Leaders and staff work closely with parents to ensure this partnership is effective.

Parents praise the welcoming and caring staff. They comment on how well they are kept up to date about their children's progress and experiences throughout the day. They say that they have noticed that their children progress well in their overall development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review the planning of activities for the youngest children to ensure that children's next steps, age and abilities are fully taken into consideration and that their learning is always well sequenced and maximised strengthen coaching, mentoring and support for less-confident staff to raise the quality of interactions and support for children's communication and language to an even higher level.

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