The Childcare Village

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About The Childcare Village

Name The Childcare Village
Ofsted Inspections
Address Pre-School and Out Of School Care, St James Street, Shaw, Lancashire, OL2 7TD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Oldham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Staff create a very calm and organised environment. They promote a sense of family, which helps children of all ages to develop a sense of belonging. Children show that they are happy and feel safe.

Older children are confident when talking to authorised visitors about their activities and what they like in the nursery. They talk about how worms are different sizes and that they live in the soil. Children are inquisitive and motivated learners.

Some staff, in their enthusiasm, ask children too many questions without giving them the time to think and respond. On occasions, the language used by staff when talking with yo...unger children is not appropriate to their level of understanding.There is a sharp focus on helping children to develop their mathematical skills.

Younger children count how many pom-poms are in the tub. Older children use play equipment to count at group time. They also begin to recognise numbers during activities with staff.

Staff manage children's behaviour effectively. Children wait patiently for their turn and show good understanding of sharing the bikes. Staff use praise well to promote children's positive behaviour.

Children listen to staff when they explain how to cross a road safely. Leaders use additional funding, such as early years pupil premium, carefully and effectively. For example, where there are additional needs, extra hours are offered.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff have formed a strong sense of community with parents. Parents praise staff and say that they go 'above and beyond' to offer support to children and their families.The managers and staff have created a successful culture of self-reflection to identify areas for improvement.

For example, the plans of staff have led to an enhanced environment and strategies to raise the quality of education. Staff plan a good selection of child-initiated activities to support children in their learning throughout the day.Behaviour is good.

Children clearly demonstrate their understanding of expected behaviour. For example, an older child took the inspector to the visual behaviour board and explained confidently how it is used.The nursery has successful partnerships with local schools.

Staff and children regularly make short visits to the school and join in with activities. For example, they visited when some chicks had hatched from their eggs. These visits help to promote children's emotional confidence when they move on from the nursery.

The environment is stimulating and created to sustain children's interest. Younger children enjoy exploring the large dinosaur eggs created from ice. They observe that ice melts over time.

Older children converse and listen to one another about the marks they are making with chalk on the floor.Staff provide nutritious food at snack times and meet children's dietary requirements. Mealtimes are social occasions where children eat together.

They talk with staff and each other about the food they are eating. This helps them to learn about healthy lifestyles.Staff are supported to undertake training opportunities.

For example, training on understanding autism has supported staff to plan more effectively for children's individual needs. This has a positive impact on staff's knowledge and understanding.The nursery has good partnerships with external agencies and professionals who support some children's individual development.

This helps to ensure that children's special educational needs are met.Occasionally, staff ask children too many questions without giving them time to think and process a response.Staff working with younger children sometimes miss opportunities to develop children's early speech effectively.

Staff do not consistently give parents information about the specific progress their children are making, to help them continue their learning at home.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have suitable knowledge of child protection issues and wider safeguarding concerns.

They know who to contact if they are concerned about a child's welfare or the conduct of a colleague. Staff diligently follow the nursery's procedures regarding the safe use of mobile phones and cameras. All staff have attended mandatory training, such as safeguarding and paediatric first aid.

Staff track children's attendance and keep in touch with the parents of children who have unplanned absences. The manager observes staff practice and carries out regular one-to-one meetings to monitor their performance.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nallow children more time to think and process the answer to one question, before asking the next question develop staff's understanding of how to better support children's early speech development provide more detailed information for all parents to help them continue their children's learning at home.

Also at this postcode
East Crompton St James CofE Primary School

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