The Greenery Nursery School

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About The Greenery Nursery School

Name The Greenery Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Swanmore Village Hall, New Road, Swanmore, SO32 2PF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children confidently separate from their parents and carers and enter the nursery. They settle in swiftly and show they are eager to explore the resources and activities that staff provide. Children benefit from staff who know them well and who help excite them about their learning.

For instance, children who enjoy playing with cars delight in exploring the guttering, making ramps and investigating speed. Children show they are proud of their discoveries and achievements, beaming with delight as their cars go fast. They are self-motivated and engaged in their play and learning.

Children demonstrate they feel safe and s...ecure in the staff's care. They approach staff for cuddles, for example which are warmly given. Children know the expectations from staff, such as using 'kind hands' with their friends as they play.

They are learning to manage their feelings and behaviour in a supportive environment. Children listen attentively and respond swiftly to instructions and requests. Older children are positive role models to younger children.

For instance, they help to tidy away resources and use good manners. Children behave well and are thriving in the staff's care. They learn a good variety of skills to support them to move on to the next stage in their education.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager has a clear curriculum plan for children at the nursery. She works closely with local schools to ensure children learn the skills they need to move on. Staff support children's learning effectively with these clear goals in mind.

This joined-up approach offers children high levels of continuity for their education.Staff provide children with support for their learning in an engaging and stimulating learning environment. Children can freely make choices and access the resources they want to explore.

This supports them to be independent.Staff plan meaningful activities that engage and motivate children to join in. For example, older children enjoy playing turn-taking games.

Staff encourage them to listen to each other and keep playing the game. This helps children to develop their social skills and promotes their attention and focus.Staff support children's developing communication skills through lively discussions, songs and by sharing stories.

They question children to deepen their understanding and encourage them to explain what they already know. However, at times, staff do not allow children enough time to think and respond. This does not fully support children's ability to think critically and extend their language skills even further.

Children show they are interested and motivated by the world around them. For instance, they stop playing outdoors to watch and wonder at the recycling lorry. Staff tell children about making new glass bottles and jars, as well as introducing counting and talking about colours.

Children benefit from attentive staff who can use opportunities as they arise to teach children.Generally, children benefit from well-delivered, adult-led activities. However, at times, younger children distract the older children.

Although staff recognise younger children have a shorter attention span, they do not fully consider the impact this has on older children. For example, during story times, some younger children lie on the floor or wander off and play noisily. This does not help older children engage fully.

Staff support children's good health effectively. They teach children about the importance of handwashing before eating, for instance. Children enjoy being active outdoors.

They learn to run, balance and climb skilfully using equipment and negotiating the sloped, grassy area. Staff have a good understanding of supporting children's physical development.The provider ensures all staff have opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge.

For instance, they can attend training courses. Staff say that training has had a positive impact on their confidence to support children's learning.Parents report very positively about the care and education their children receive.

They say the staff's 'kindness, patience and ability to work in partnership' with them is playing a 'vital role' in ensuring their children are happy. Parents comment their children are going from strength to strength at the nursery.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The provider follows a robust staff recruitment process to ensure staff are suitable to work with children. Regular staff training ensures all staff have a secure knowledge of child protection and safeguarding. They understand their role to keep children safe and promote their well-being at all times.

Staff know the procedures to follow if they have any concerns about children's welfare or their colleagues. They use opportunities to teach children to keep themselves safe, such as talking about 'tablet time' and online safety.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to consider different teaching styles and the importance of giving children time to think and respond, to develop their critical thinking and language skills even further review and improve the organisation of adult-led group times so that all children remain engaged in their learning.

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