The Hive Preschool

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About The Hive Preschool

Name The Hive Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address 21st Bristol Scout Hut, Bamfield Road, Bristol, Avon, BS14 0XD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bristol
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Leaders have made considerable improvements to their risk assessments and deployment of staff to ensure they help keep children safe. For example, staff support children to access activities safely, such as when using scissors, and they are always in the garden space when children are outdoors.

At mealtimes, children have access to age-appropriate seating, and staff sit with them to supervise and support them where needed.Leaders and staff have worked hard to develop and deliver a broad and meaningful curriculum. They use the information provided by parents about their children, and from their own observations, to create and purposeful learning opportunities.

This term, children are learning 'all about me'. Leaders and staff use this as a focus to support children to develop relationships and share their experiences. For example, children use their imaginations as they explore the small-world winter scene staff have created for them.

Staff spark a conversation when they ask children about their houses and if they have a chimney. Children confidently share information about their homes with others.Staff work closely with parents and external professionals to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities effectively.

Staff track and monitor children to identify if they are making enough progress. Staff use strategies and information about the children to create targeted learning opportunities for them. For example, staff create small-group times to develop children's speech, with 'sound sacks' and 'bucket time' activities to improve children's concentration.

Children make good progress from their starting points.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff know the children well and create good relationships with them. When children first start, they allow time for the key person to get to know children and families.

Staff adapt their teaching styles to meet the needs of the children. Children who are particularly anxious are sensitively reassured and distracted by staff. Staff skilfully refocus children and engage them in a favoured craft activity.

Children engage happily and their anxiety subsides. Children eagerly seek out staff to show them their finished creations and say, 'Look what I made.' Staff praise children and they beam with pride.

Staff help children to manage their own emotions. At morning group times, they use breathing techniques with the children to support their self-regulation, ready for the day ahead. Children play cooperatively together and share items harmoniously.

For example, in the garden, children explore messy play, and when others join the activity, they make space for them and offer them resources to play with.Staff do not always support the younger children, and those who have recently started, as well as they could to help them understand the pre-school routines, what to expect and when. At times, these children repeatedly try to access items that it is not yet time for.

For example, they attempt to access their lunch box before it is time for lunch, and become confused and upset when they are told it is not yet time for this.Children have lots of opportunities to develop their physical skills and learn how to keep themselves healthy. Staff offer healthy snacks and sit with children to discuss everyday foods and 'treat foods'.

Children develop their small hand muscles for early writing when they manipulate play dough into different shapes with their hands and use the resources on offer. Staff engage children in focused physical activities. They ask children to feel their heart before the activity and again when they have finished.

Children and staff discuss the impact of physical activity on the body and how it keeps your heart healthy.Leaders have worked with outside agencies to support and empower the staff team. Staff report that they feel well supported by leaders.

They have regular supervision meetings, training opportunities and staff meetings to upskill their practice. For example, staff have attended training about 'teachable moments' and how they can use these in their practice to extend children's learning even further. Leaders organise team celebration events to support morale and well-being.

Staff are happy and provide a caring and nurturing learning environment for children.There is a positive partnership with parents. Parents say that they are well informed about their children's learning and that their children are making good progress.

They comment on the kind and nurturing staff team and say that their children love attending the pre-school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders and staff provide a safe and secure environment for children to play and learn in.

They are aware of the signs and symptoms that may be indicators that a child is at risk of harm. Staff have a good knowledge of how to report and record a concern. They are aware of how to escalate this to outside agencies, should this be required.

Staff are aware of how to report a concern regarding a colleague should they need to. The manager implements robust recruitment and ongoing monitoring procedures to help ensure all staff are suitable to work with children.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: consistently implement strategies that are already in place to support younger children's understanding of the daily routine and what to expect next.

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