The In-Between Club

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About The In-Between Club

Name The In-Between Club
Address The Avenue Pavillion, The Avenue, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU31 4JQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children bubble with enthusiasm when they enter this welcoming setting.

They are warmly greeted by staff as they arrive. Children are familiar with the routines and follow instructions very well. For example, they hang their coats and bags up on arrival and know to wash their hands before having snack.

Staff are good role models in promoting positive behaviour. They ensure children understand and follow behaviour expectations. For instance, children listen to staff as they are asked to line up before walking sensibly along the pavement to arrive at the club.

All staff know the children well and this helps children... to settle and feel safe to explore their surroundings. They collect important information about the child during settling-in sessions. Staff gain an understanding of the children's likes and dislikes, and an overview of their current development.

They provide a wide range of activities for children while taking into account their individual needs and interests. As a result, all children show high levels of engagement and concentration. For example, children squeal with delight as they ride around on scooters and play football with their friends.

Children play closely with staff and involve them in their play. For example, they explore play food and ask them, 'What would you like for your dinner?' Older children are kind and thoughtful to the younger ones. They recognise when a new child is unsettled and offer reassurance by involving them in their play.

This helps them to build a wider friendship group and builds tolerance and respect.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager is a strong leader. She is highly reflective and has a clear vision for the club.

The manager ensures children have fun and participate in exciting experiences when they attend. Staff encourage children's autonomy by allowing them to choose or suggest activities they would like each day. For example, children enjoy table top games and imaginative play opportunities, such as role play and small-world toys.

The staff team, with the committee, works together to ensure children benefit from high-quality care. The long-standing and experienced staff team say that they feel very happy in their role. They comment that the manager places great importance on supporting staff mental health and well-being.

Children approach the inspector willingly and confidently voice their opinions about how exciting and fun the club is. For example, they say, 'I like to play games with my friends' and 'I like riding bikes out on the field'.Parents are highly complimentary about the club and the dedicated staff team.

They appreciate the support that staff provide. Parents comment that 'their children make good progress with their confidence' and state that they would 'highly recommend this club'. They appreciate the nurturing and family feel that the club provides.

Staff complete risk assessments to ensure that hazards are effectively minimised before the children arrive. Effective systems are in place for the management of children's dietary requirements. Staff are made aware of children with allergies and children are supervised well during mealtimes.

Children confidently interact with staff and each other. They initiate conversation and listen to ideas. For example, children chat happily to each other during craft activities and inspire their friends to express themselves creatively.

There is an effective key-person system for young children. Staff liaise with the teachers and share children's next steps. Staff use this information to plan activities to help build on these next steps.

Staff supervise children closely to ensure their safety. They are vigilant in ensuring play areas remain safe and suitable. Children show an awareness of dangers.

For instance, they know to wear cycle helmets when riding scooters. Children confidently tell the inspector, 'It is for safety.' Children benefit from plenty of fresh air and enjoy spending lots of time outdoors.

They have many opportunities to develop their physical skills. Children happily run, climb and pedal bicycles in the outdoor area. This helps to strengthen their large muscles.

Staff treat all children with the utmost respect. They promote children's emotional resilience and regulation by talking to children about how they are feeling and find ways to regulate their emotions and behaviours positively. This helps to build their emotional literacy.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good understanding how to keep children safe at the club. They are knowledgeable about the procedures for reporting any welfare concerns about a child or an adult, and are familiar with the club's whistle-blowing policy.

The manager ensures staff receive regular safeguarding training to keep their knowledge up to date. As a result, staff are able to recognise the signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk of harm, including from witnessing domestic abuse and being exposed to extreme views. Daily indoor and outdoor risk assessments are in place to ensure that children are kept safe while at the club.

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