The Kick Start Academy Group

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About The Kick Start Academy Group

Name The Kick Start Academy Group
Address Farnborough Road, Castle Vale, Birmingham, West Midlands, B35 7EH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Birmingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy their time at the club, before and after their school day. They are happy to see staff and tell them all about their day at school. Children settle quickly into their chosen activities.

They have established close friendships at the club and greet their friends from other schools excitedly. Children behave well and confidently explain the rules of the club, which they have drawn up as a group. Staff are positive role models and listen to and respect children's views and opinions.

Children receive lots of praise and encouragement from staff.Snack time is a social occasion. Children make informed choices about... the foods they wish to eat and sit together to eat in small groups.

Staff remind children to drink regularly to stay hydrated. Children follow good hygiene routines and wash their hands regularly throughout the session.Children invite staff to play board games with them.

They check the rules of the games and staff support children with spellings while they play spelling games. Children are very creative and use a wide range of materials and gems to create face masks. Resources are readily available and children confidently ask staff for additional resources they would like to use, such as paints.

Children proudly show off their creations and enjoy sharing them with their parents when they come to collect them at the end of the day.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff and children have built good relationships and staff know the individual needs and likes of the children. They encourage children to share their ideas about what they would like to do at club and are always on hand to help with homework if needed.

Staff liaise with teaching staff to find out about activities and events taking place in school. This helps inform planning and provides continuity for all children.Close working partnership between parents, staff and school ensures that there is good communication between all three settings.

Staff gather detailed information about each child and use this to meet their needs, including medical and dietary needs. Staff seek to complete additional training, where appropriate, to meet a child's needs. Regular communication with parents and carers means that staff are aware of any changes.

Children demonstrate an awareness of keeping themselves safe and regularly practise the fire evacuation procedure. They walk in pairs to and from school, and wait for staff to ensure all traffic has stopped before using the zebra crossing.The manager supports her staff team and they work well together.

Recruitment procedures are secure, and the manager maintains information about staff's suitability. Staff meet regularly to share their ideas for the club and the manager undertakes peer observations to help identify strengths and areas for development. She is currently looking at ways of recording and using the information gained more effectively.

Parents say they are very happy with the service provided. They say that they know their children are safe and are having a wonderful time at the club. Parents feel that they can talk to staff at any time and feel that staff are really accommodating if they ask for additional days or changes in their child's placement.

Children enjoy being physically active. They play team games using soft balls to ensure no one gets hurt and practise their hand and eye coordination playing racquet games. Younger children are quite assertive when they play table games and quickly tell the older children that they cannot add extra points that they have not won when they think no one is looking.

Children play well together. They use various construction materials to build structures, sharing their ideas and starting again if they do not work. Children play in small groups and use their imaginations well.

They enjoy dressing the dolls, creating voices for them and re-enacting familiar experiences of their own, such as going out to meet their friends or getting ready for a special event.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff take appropriate steps to keep children safe.

They fully understand their role in safeguarding children and the local procedures should they have a concern about a child. Staff access professional development opportunities to keep their knowledge and skills up to date. Regular supervision and training opportunities help identify future areas of development.

Staff identify and minimise potential hazards, indoors and outside, including the trips to and from school. They take appropriate steps to ensure children play in a safe and secure environment and children are only released into the care of known adults. Children and staff follow good hygiene practices.

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