The Kool Crew Ltd

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About The Kool Crew Ltd

Name The Kool Crew Ltd
Address Lickey End First School, School Lane, Lickey End, BROMSGROVE, B60 1JG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Worcestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff create a calm, relaxing atmosphere at the club and provide children with a warm welcome. This supports children to form close bonds with staff and other children. Children thoroughly enjoy the friendly interactions that they receive from staff.

They seek out the adults and initiate conversations with them. Children talk freely about school, their homelives and places they have visited recently. Staff show a genuine interest in what children have to say which further contributes to the positive relationships.

Children say that the staff are kind and keep them safe.Staff value the contribution that children make to the... activities they plan and encourage free choice. Children know they can access the cupboards to find specific resources.

Staff know about children's individual interests and ensure that there is a resource set out that engages each child. Children respond enthusiastically when they see the chess set out. They sustain their interest for extended periods of time on junk modelling and games.

Children behave well and staff have created a respectful climate at the club. Staff provide children with clear boundaries and positive reinforcement for their achievements. They help children to develop a sense of responsibility and reward their efforts, both as individuals and as a group.

This supports children's sense of belonging and encourages them to work as a team.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager who is also the provider, shows strong, conscientious leadership. She reflects well on the service they provide and consults with all those involved to make improvements.

This includes children, staff and parents. They have recently focused on enhancing the provision for outdoor play. Although children have daily opportunities to play outdoors, staff do not routinely encourage this during the sessions.

The manager provides staff with ongoing, supervision, training and coaching to extend their knowledge and skills. She supports unqualified staff to achieve level three qualifications. Recent training has helped staff to enhance their understanding of how they can help children with managing their emotions.

Staff receive regular safeguarding training and the manager routinely checks they understand their duty to keep children safe.Partnership with the school and parents are strong. Staff liaise with teachers at the school to exchange information about the children.

This helps to provide continuity for children's care. Parents appreciate the communication they receive from staff to support their child's needs at the beginning and end of the day. They have a high regard for the service provided by the club.

Each child benefits from a dedicated key person to help them to settle and engage with the activities at the club. Staff plan a wide range of activities that complement children's learning at school. Children enjoy the opportunities to relax and enjoy books in the cosy reading corner.

They eagerly use mark making tools to create drawings and artwork. Staff know that children like to use their imaginations in their play and set up a variety of role play experiences, such as with baby dolls, home corner and hospital.Staff show they value children and the efforts they make when they work on art projects and jigsaws.

Staff carefully pack these away overnight so children can continue their work the next day. This supports children's sense of belonging and achievement. Staff provide children with friendly competitions, such as to design an Easter egg.

Staff are positive role models and children show respect for each other. Older children offer their younger peers a 'high five' when they finish playing a game together. They play together harmoniously.

Staff help children to understand what they can do to contribute to environmental causes. For example, children learn to recycle and re-use materials.Children engage in activities that help them to learn about diversity and other world cultures.

This includes talking about the celebrations for Ramadan and St Patrick's day.Staff consider how they can offer children equal opportunities for the activities they provide. For example, they no longer have specific days for bingo games and movie night to accommodate the variations in children's attendance.

Children enjoy the healthy meals provided. Staf ensure meals are nutritiously balanced and provide children with a healthy snack after school. Water is readily available and a milk is offered at mealtimes.

Staff promote effective hygiene routines.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Lickey End First School

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